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so venom comes out this week so this is the best way to catch up before I see it on Sunday to watch the first one again, just as a quick refresh to remind myself that what im going to see it the cinema will be bat shit crazy.

Venom doesnt fit in with the rest of the MCU (or so we thought wink wink{wrote that after seeing various end credit scenes}) so it has a lot more freedom than the rest of it so it can go absolutely crazy & off the rails & get so dark & twisted. It doesnt have to sit in the house of mouse & be like seriously what do you mean we cant do that. I mean that does restrain it a bit, but it also helps because it doesnt have to fit into the rest of the wider world.

Tom Hardy is bloody brilliant as Brock, be it be the double crossing human or the evil parasite that is venom. It just works. I do get that its Jekyll & Hyde but its brilliant & Hardy was the perfect person for it.

Venom is actually the best written character in the film, he really is (we will get to Dan later). I know being an alien & all the stuff going on else where means he can have the best one lines, but he really does. Everything he says hits home. I love the i am a loser speech & so are you thats brilliant. It makes a lot of sense. A good thing for all us oddities.

Riz is good, but i feel that i needed to hate him more before he turned into the monster. When he dies, it just feels like they had to kill off the villain for the sake of it. I mean yes he did all those human trials & all those people died but still. I needed to hate him more. Maybe its because he is Riz, it could be. He will still always be the guy in a van who blew up boots even if he ever wins an oscar (note to reader he now has an oscar & i paused it & played the video of toploader when he did).

I feel sorry for Michelle Williams who is only there to move the plot along (is she a McGuffin?) shes there to leak records so he can spy, shes there to save him, shes got a doctor boyfriend, she brings venom & then she plays dirty at the end (which im glad she does get to do) but thats about it. She really just is something to move us onto the next scene.

I love Stan Lees Cameo just before the end, dont you give up on her, either of you… brilliant. He knew, he always knows.

So Dan, Dan the doctor. Bloody love Dan. We arent meant to like him, but hes just trying to do his best by Eddie & not get in the way & accepts she may have some feelings for him after all they went through but that hes still number one in her life. & he still tries to save him & not ask to many questions. He just goes along with that not being his world now, even after Venom ruined lunch & his MRI scanner. We all need a character like that in our lives or at least in our film.

There are worse cgi end battles, but this isnt the best one. It is a bit much & the whole rocket thing is random & weird. Yea there are a lot worse, but at least this is fun & a clever way of changing it up & there was no sky beam either.

The best set piece of the film is the bike chase after the initial flat take down, i love that. ITs so well done & it goes so quickly & theres so much at stake. Its properly good & when its done you need to pick up your breath. It then disappoints you when the next set piece in the building is all just in smoke & flares & darkness.

He calls him a pussy for not jumping off the roof… i remember the whole cinema going a bit mad at that. I love that. Again some good one liners when needed. & then that he gets to kill that guy in the store & the woman running it just accepts it & just lets Eddie go & be like well thanks for that. I love that.

Im not sure now why we need the spider-vers credit scene, but the one with Carnage before he becomes carnage is brilliant & (now ive seen the next one) does properly set the sequel up. So many mid credit scenes leave you with more questions than answers that never get resolved dont they.

The CGI design of venom is bloody good too, hes so robust but also so fluid. Its a joy to look at.

This isnt the best comic book film, but no way is it the worse. If you want to watch something not serious & not involved in so much other random super hero stuff this is the comic book film for you. Okay a few dark & disturbing moments, but the laughs & the joy of watching Tom Hardy boss it, out ways all the negatives…

Bring on the next one at the weekend.

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