round 2 of Bond. Now i know i am watching it as a love letter to Craig, i can watch it for what it actually is & not a Bond film… those who have seen it & read the first review which is here.
So bond is now in its third week, has people going to it slowed down… nope. Screen 5 at cineworld was sold out. & i mean so much so that cineworld have got rig of their social distancing & there was a family bang splat next to me. dad, his son & 2 girls. The girls looked like they had the same age gap as me & my sister & it reminded me of when our parents took us to see die another day at the cinema all those years ago. but yea completely sold out. the 6:20 showing was very very popular. 3 people turned up & thought they were in a posh screening & actually left to check they were in the right place. They then came back saying how posh it all was.
there was 5 mins of adverts which was good, & then 7 film trailers.
House of Gucci
Ghost Busters
Top Gun Maverick
I hadnt seen the new Matrix trailer on that big of a screen, oh my oh my…. AHHHHHH when it ended the entire cinema kinda went oooooooooh. Looks like thats gonna be pretty sold out for christmas. I know Bond is your main attraction at the moment but thats a lot of trailers to try & get all those people to see. I mean not everyone like me & has a card to see it all. Thats a point when does my new card arrive.
& then eventually after all of them the film started… Its still good but its very clever now i know what im watching. Again will try to not spoil it for people who havent seen it (my sister basically).
So many hidden easter eggs & throw backs in this, it really is so clever. Even the final time the words Bond, James Bond is said…. That the Wallace & Gromit clip foreshadows the part after the titles the heist, stealing something that isnt ultimately yours.
The best acted scene in the film is when Bond goes into M’s office for the first time since coming back as a visitor. Its bloody well acted & is amazing & if you could give at commendations for scenes at an award show, this would be a nominee. Its bloody amazing & shows how bloody epic they both are. I love it.
The Scientist is the McGuffin… why didnt i see that first time round urgh im so angry at myself. i was to busy trying to put stuff together first time that the second he turned up i was like oh god hes a McGuffin. I think i actually slumped back in my reclining chair going why didnt i see that why why.
Q’s realisation is the saddest of the film & the most authentic, that hurt the most.
Was the 4th wall break half way through intentional? I mean if it wasnt it felt like it. Its very clever. I get that hes probably looking past the camera but still. It looked right. The later one wasnt tho.
Cant wait for Cinema Sins to do their review of this for how many times they will scream out Bond Survives this. specially on the stair case section, which is filmed in one take. Did Mendes just return for that one section?
Remi is good at what hes given to do, but i still wanted a better villain from him. He is just there because they have to have someone for Bond to stop at the end of the day. There was more evilness in another 2 characters where one is a villain & another in theory isnt but when youve seen it we can chat about it.
ITs still good, but its not Bond Bond if you get. I need more action & more of a true Bond. that does make sense. I am glad i have seen it again & picked up on so much more. Its well worth you time people, even with the long run time.