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Time for one of my favourite things to do at the cinema, go & not know what I’m seeing at all. & its been a very long time since i last did this for Just Mercy back in January 2020. So lets do this.

Cineworld unlike Odeon dont give you any clues before hand, so you walk in completely blind. I am guessing that its either The Courier as they showed the trailer for that at the last unlimited screening i went to or that its The Green King as its recently been pulled from UK cinemas so this is a good way to get people to go & see it. Im so excited as i genuinely have no idea what it is going to be.

It was full i mean it was a one chair gap between people as thats cineworlds policy until were completely back to normal but it really was a group of 2, 1 chair gap, group of 2, 1 chair gap…. you get where im going & there was a lot of buzz & chat around the place as to what we were going to see & if anyone had ever walked our before. All mixed ages too.

Trailers were key to working it out as if you see the trailer you dont get the film, so it wasnt Bond, or Sanke Eyes or Shang chi (people moaned when that trailer was on) or Cop Shop or dirty Cop (that bad i cant even remember what its call) the film with Gerrard Butler.

Now usually they do the last advert & its pretty quick when it has the BBFC logo on it to tell us what we are watching but we were all sitting there on the edge of our seat waiting. It took forever. However there were gasps & cheers when the name came up for all of 3 seconds & then went straight into the film. I didnt see anyone walk out at the start or throughout although if im honest i wasnt concentrating on people at that point.

So the film started…. & even tho i said no one had walked out i was tempted too. I a very very long time ago promised my sister when this fil was announced that i would take her with me & so for the first 1 minute i felt guilty & then realised that actually if i watch it & its crap i wont take her, i dont want to make her watch a bad film… so i stayed & Watched…FREE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 days before the rest of the world got to see it & there was one problem with that, i couldnt talk to anyone about it at all, because it was so fucking good.

There are cameos in this film which i cant wait to find second time around, however there is a moment & you will know the moment if you see it & you will just laugh & gasp & it is so epic it takes the film up a notch & its amazing. I mean thats why i want to talk to people who have seen this film. AHHHH, im sure the people in the foyer heard us.

Everyone in it is brilliant, Ryan is fantastic & Jodies 2 characters (its in the trailer thats not a spoiler) are so brilliant as well. However this isnt a romance film even tho at points it looks like it, you are more invested in the Bromances going on in it & i am so there for that, perfect.

amongst the laughs there are some really good life lessons & morals in there which really do make you think & are really like okay this is actually a serious film yea & then madness happens & you return to the fun.

Some cool side plots & bits going on too which all meet together at the end & are well rounded off nothing is left unresolved.

It basically summed me up in a nut shell, from the you tubers, to todays modern culture & how we as millennials live our lives to what we watch & how we feel The game vibe was correct, some of the stuff that happens in the game would happen in your actually shoot’em up. Its just hits the nail on the head.

& i am going to stop typing now as i dont want to ruin this for my sister before i take her to see it next week. I cant wait to see her reaction to some bits shes going to love it.

It did everything i wanted it to & then some, it hit the nail on the head & delivered with everything. I think this ma even be up for a possible buzzer hit….

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