i dont feel like watching catch up tv right now, ive not yet got disney plus yet to start my marvel tv-athon (once the euros are getting near the end i will get it) so i was looking for a 90min film to watch, & this film appeared on netflix & my watch list so lets have a look at this.
This isnt to be confused with the new film awake that has come out in the last couple of weeks or the 2007 masterpiece with Hayden. No way i mean to confuse this film with that one would be an atrocious.
The film started well, then back story then nothing then it all kicked off then a lull then it really kicked off then it went mad, then it slowed then it went mad & then all the exposition was at the end & then it was over. I mean ive been moaning about builds recently (although ive just realised writing this that my bumper twilight review you havent seen yet despite me writing them so my bad) but it was pretty good & you appreciate the luls & the slow as it did then kick off, but for all of the explosions’ to be at the end & for that to be when he got all his memory bank yeah that was a bit like say what.
I did actually like that you didnt know until about half way through that he didnt do it & it was his job in someway to work out who did it originally. But if you can put 2 & 2 together you do work out the second that son walks into the room to hug the police guy whos a family friend that he did it. Seriously its so bloody obvious from that moment its just like so hows he set everyone up. The n you find out his dads the sheriff & knows everyone who can do that & your suspense has gone. If youve not worked it out at that point then maybe you will enjoy it more but nah surely everyone gets it from that moment.
Why did no one in the hospital if he was in a crime take his finger prints to process which would then mean they find out that he is a detective for the police. Okay yes things to happen quickly but you can take them in that time right, you did the handcuffs during those few minutes but not prints.
did that kid watch midsommar & go yep im killing may queens. that is so the inspiration there. Just no bear.
The boy friend who wasnt a boyfriend but was so friend zoned i did feel sorry for him, he didnt have to die like that & how did no one else hear that or notice that guy in that room. Also the police just let them go to crime scene & didnt for 20 seconds think that they might swap cars from that white one. Therefore later on when she goes out with it again, why did they no stop her then…
The search engine is the thing that does my head in. I mean it is cool when it appears on the screen, but there is one bit of information that this film has appear on the screen, which automatically knocks any good work this film had, which was pulling at straws if im honest. It put up the day… June 31th!
I am not joking here, when he goes to the library to find out who he is it reads off the computer & then on the screen for a good 5 seconds June 31th. Not June 30th of July 31st… JUNE 31TH!!! What an abomination. That is so wrong no one bothered to check that, no one fucking no one. I know its a small bit of the film & i know my spelling & grammar isnt the best but still. JUNE 31TH!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
& thats when i stopped paying attention if im honest, i know it then kicked off & went oh god but every conversation of seriousness after that point i was like nah film youve lost me, im not buying this anymore.
The film was low average until that point but then it just lost everything. Why did you have to do that film why why why… Something that was passing time just fell off the radar in a bad bad way & ruined the film for me entirely.