What to watch what to watch, were mid April in lockdown now. Hopefully Boris may start lifting some restrictions. So were going for a heist film, i bloody love a heist film you know that & so do my parents, so lets do this as apart of our saturday night lockdown film club. ( i havent intentionally left this post to almost a year later by the way people, its just the way its happened. Also didnt think wed still be in lockdown now).
If youve seen any of the other Oceans films this isnt going to disappoint people, it repackages the tried & tested (except for 12) formula & just nails & it makes it more stylish & modern & proves us girls can do it better.
I love the little cameos throughout the films of the original guys & the nice nod that shes Dannys sister. They still missed a huge twist by not ending it with a hand taking another drink making you think oh god hes not dead, because that was what my mama was holding on for she really was. I mean it stood well enough for me that it didnt have that but it would of just felt a bit more oooh if it did.
Bullock & Blanchett as the too main protagonists are brilliant. Its one hell of a double act & is just amazing. I like the fact they just walk around & own the place. They also have a fall out half way through which is true to form. Its one of those sisterhoods which is just spot on.
Can we talk about Rihanna when she leave the Met Gala in that red dress…. OMFG!!! I mean i know i say Alicia is the one but when she is in that red dress serving sass…. oh my oh my. WOW!!!!!!!!!!! I mean shes not just in this film to look pretty unlike some other films ive talked or will be talking about that im going to type up soon. Shes actually good in this & proves that she can hold it. Its better that shes not the lead as well or the main star name she can then learn off everyone else. Its just made her stock go so much higher.
I understand we needed to have some investigate them at the end… however there was no previous mention to James Corden’s character until 90% of the way through the film & yet he knows them all, he knows whats going down & yet just accepts its an Ocean plan & goes yea were going to put this guy away for it. We are meant to invest in him & then go meh with in 15minutes. Thats not good writing.
I know all the celebs want to go to the met gala in real life (its on my bucket list if im honest {shout me up peoples please please please} & im not famous at all) but the people that they got to make cameos at the met being the actually kind of people who would be there was just like oh yes this doesnt feel staged. Even the red carpet & security & planning & Wintor… it didnt ever make it feel like this was set up. It felt like the Met Gala.
I love the way they try & get the necklace pictured & have to go upstairs in the light to see it & send the signal. the whole thing with the necklace is pure oh god is this actually going to work & happen & then it just keeps spirally which is amazing. Hathaway is one hell of a sport for doing that.
I love that there is another heist going on while we are all watching the necklace unfold. its brilliant. That is proper oceans that while you watching the magic over here the actually stunt happened there. & i so would also keep all of my diamonds in the fridge too.
There faces when she walks into the room & they are all like the hell are you doing here is brilliant. Perfect resting bitch face from Sarah & Helena.
I like the fact we spend quite a while investing in the heist & whats going on before the flash back to the Armitage romance, thats very clever & how he put her away. I mean Armitage is bloody hot so whenever he is in a film its liek well hello sir, yes i will be involved in your crime thats 100% fine.
All the fashion is fabulous it really is. & i love that they do just spend there time walking around new york that is amazing.
I like that you see what they do with all the money at the end of the film too. They dont go as mad as the boys do which you dont find out until 12, but its still a nice touch. & obviously all 8 of them on the subway is going to one day be very iconic & a girl power moment.
blowing those bubbles makes me laugh uncontrollably.
Id so get that drunk at the met too.
sorry food truck is closed were in the middle of a heist bugger off.
Basically i am a sucker for a film with strong powerful independent women trying to pull of a heist, & its bloody good fun & enjoyable for every second its on tv. But that being said if you want to watcha female lead heist film from 2018… watch Widows instead… oh man now does that kick arse…. we will get to that later.