Screen Unseen Secret Cinema is back in 2020 whoooop. For some reason though they only hand out the clues now on facebook not twitter. I was going to go be surprised at what i was getting any how, but thought the day before what the clues were & worked it out at clue 4. So im hoping im right & im hoping its going to be good.
Screen 1 & 6 are almost the two screens furthest away only screen 7 is further due to the stairs down to it, so leaving from Richie to get to this in time was a push, but i got there. Id say it was 70% full which is good. Being mystry cinema & just taking a punt it was a right mix of ages from 16 year olds all the way to people in their 80s. When it came up to say what the film was, it was greeted with a yes & 2 people left, that was it.
Trailers we had David Copperfield, Queen & Slim, 1917 & The Rhythm Section which looks amazing. I’ve never heard of it but i am up for it liek when is it out i am happy to go & see that right now. I do love the fact that you get no adverts with secret cinema its brilliant.
& then the moon man left & it went 3, 2, 1… JUST MERCY! Got it right get in. Its on my watch list for 2020 too. So was it worth it… yes
This is a very hard watch people, i am warning you of that right now. Hard to watch it a very good, powerful & emotional way. You really do feel for them. Theres one scene in particular where you do just sit there & go oh god, i dont really want to watch this, but you are compelled to because human nature wants you to & you would be disrespecting it & the process & the people if you didnt. Thats what good storytelling is about.
Michael B Jordan & Jamie Foxx put on the most beautiful & compelling show & are stunning & its a pleasure to watch in all the horror thats going on around them & to them. This isnt saying the Brie & anyone else in it is bad. but Brie & Ralph are underused, both are good especially with the different complexes they have to deal with. Its not there story though, they are very useful in proving certain things though.
The Chair was just harrowing lets just leave it like that.
We also need to acknowledge the prayers, flags & chimes at that point too. & the detail that people later on about the smell & feel.
Theres so much pain suffering & unjust things happening in this film, that you do genuinely sit there going how did they ever put up with this why was this the case, how was this the case. & then you are reminded about the world we currently live in & understand exactly why this stuff happened or is still relevant today.
I didnt cry, i welled up a bit & could feel my eyes stinging at certain points but i didnt cry. It was very beautiful those moment though full of respect.
Does Michael B Jordan have in his contract that he has to run to do certain roles. I mean it looks good & i know hes clearing his mind & thinking about things, but you know.
I likes the validation between the victims that were & werent if you get me. Some of the turns & errors in there way that change across the film are very nice to see & you are glad that they do happen.
It had that feel that this film was being made to change peoples opinions on the subject & how its dealt with in the south of the US & that it shouldnt be tolerated anymore which is true. It shouldnt happen.
the honesty & hope in this film is what makes it the film it is. It shows the world for what we are unfortunately & how we feel we may have changed deep down we havent really & we still have a long way to go.
This may not be your cup of tea & it is a very hard watch at points , but you will feel validated because you have seen it. I enjoy it.