SPOILERS…. ISH if you’ve managed to avoid what happens well done.
Once again i am a book reader before film watcher.
I’m going to take you back in time (maybe with a time turner) to November 17 2001. It was my friends Birthday, her parents took us out for dinner, for Pizza. We were all dressed up as we were going to the Worthing Domes first showing of the first Harry Potter film. They left us at the cinema and we felt like royalty. We were so excited to see the book we had all read for the last few years come to life, being acted by people the same age as us. It was, JUST MAGICAL!
It was so good that when i told my mum about it she took me again & took my sister too, which when we came out of the cinema to see it, one of my friends who id previously seen it with was there.
Every time i watch this film, i get a bit nostalgic. Taking me back to that night. It doesn’t matter that it misses out some of the books issue, that does not bother me at all.
Maybe it should keep the opening Muggle bit in the film, and do the rest of the tasks to get to the stone, but that always going to be the problem with doing a film which is a book, and if im honest, this get worse it a later film so i will leave this for then.
A stellar cast of adult actors for your parents to go really at because as a child you don’t realize who they all are.
If Ron Wesley says Bloody, you know stuffs got serious or is about to go down.
The amazing visual effects, that you automatically tried to fly every broom you owned, and waited all of July for your Hogwarts letter to fall on your mat know you were to old. This was no longer words on a page it was real.
The whole thing is about Good vs Evil which is just perfection, you know who your villains are, except for Snape, (wont be going into this yet) without really being told they are villains.
I dont really want to go on about this too much more this film fills me with joy & memories & i love it therefore i am going to just going to leave you on my favorite line, which i will get back to in a later review of another Harry Potter film (around number 5 ish maybe)
& finally it takes a huge amount of courage to stand up to your enemy’s, but a grate deal more to stand up to your friends.
I therefore award ten points to Neville Longbottam…