Its been a week since ive been to the cinema. However that didnt stop everyone in my office going what the cinema again. I did shoot them down in flames though when they all said that saying i hadnt been all week.
Problem is this week is theres no 5pm film to get my teeth into which is a right pain & im very busy for the next few weeks so fitting all this in is going to be interesting. So we are starting with Official Secrets on a friday at 5:30.
Well that was when it was meant to start… it didnt. I went & got a cookie & costa hazelnut new autumn latte at the time my film should of started. So when i walked into screen 8 & the screen was still black i was like oh okay. Went & asked someone had no response as to why, & everyone was busy at the end of the film selling tickets or food that you couldnt ask someone without queuing up. My film was delayed by about 8 minutes i recon. Not good if im honest especially without an explanation. Come on odeon you can do better than that.
Screen 8 is small, i would say we were a third full which is pretty darn good if im honest, this films not had too much hype but thats pretty good. My age group & above no one any younger but let be honest, if you are younger than me its history for you & you are taught it.
Trailers we had Knieve out (yes) 21 Bridges (yes) The Kings Man (yes) & Terminator (maybe) & i love the new farmageddon turn your phone off advert i love it.
& then the film started… & it as good. It was very good. Did have some bits that ground my gears which made me think really but we will get to that.
Permission for Ralph Fiennes to be given every single government, lawyer, authority, business person role in the uk that every exists. Seriously the man has found his calling & i am happy to watch him do this role for the rest of his life. He only turns up 1hour 10mins into the film as well so its a real impression that he has. He kinda stole the show.
Smith Goode & Ifans are all on form too. I know Rhys isnt in it for too long but the chaos he brings is infectious. Smith has more to get his teeth around & just nails it & you just think yes mate your coming into your own now after Doctor Who you are making it without that hanging over you.
But this film does rest on its lead character played by Keira Knightly. Shes not a very good actress is she. I’ve seen a few films with her in over the last two years & in various differing stereotypes, & shes just not very good or compelling or believable & she lets the whole film down if im honest. Which is a real shame. I know shes playing a real person, but there were points where she was supposed to get emotional or angry & she was either not bothering at all or trying to hard that it made it look desperate. I dont want that in a real life story im sorry. I want some honesty to it. Sorry Keira your powers are failing. Im happy for you to prove me wrong though.
We didnt need a car chase to heathrow airport. The film didnt need to go down that route. I just sat there with my head in my hands going we have enough drama in this film, we dont have to do this movie, please. But they did & it kinda soured the next 10 minutes of my viewing if im honest.
I love the fact we actually had Blair & Bush & all the correct people & new footage from the time in the film too. It made it more real. We all sat there & watched this unfold on tv as impressionable teenager, thinking how we could deal with this. I mean none of us really did but it was everywhere all over the news & all our parents talked about. We couldnt avoid it.
I like all the code names they had for people like the mi5 person was just random tennis friend, or ex cia big wig that was cool & clever.
See Spelling & Grammar checking is bad for you… watch the film to find out why.
It also didnt matter that we knew the outcome & then what it all lead to. It was quite nice to fill in all the blanks we didnt really have before the rest of the shit hit the pan.
Its a really good film, but its let down by a few choices they choose to make, which is a shame. Sort those few bits out & we would be looking at a strong contender for one of the films of the year. I still enjoyed it & encourage anyone with a vague interest to go & see it.