Oh this is going to fucking hurt isnt it oh god, im not over this. Endgame is in 10 days time ive seen this about 10 times this is the first time my pops in sitting down to watch it in full i cant do this. Yes you can girl its going to be fine. Just Breath
Popcorn Synopsis for you all
Thanos about 25ish years ago, told his government that they were all going to die as there were too many mouths to feed & not enough food, so proposed genocide at random. This was rejected on Titan & the became extinct. Angry Thanos goes around the galaxy taking out half of each worlds population, until he meets an 8ish year old little girl called Gamora & decided to teach her & her adoptive brother & sister about his master plan that they will all rule the galaxy. Now 25ish years later Thanos wants to eradicate half of all the beings in the galaxy by collecting 6 infinity stones Mind Soul Reality Space Power & Time.
by the time he gets to the Asgardian refugee ship he already has the soul stone from Xandar & takes out the Asgardians to get the tesseract. Himdel send Hulk back to earth to warn the Avengers as Thor has to sit there & watch all of his friends & people die including Loki who try’s to save the day for once but had still stolen the tesseract. Back on earth Hulk, now back as as Banner, tells Doctor Strange & Tony about Thanos & his plan, but it’s too late as they are already here. Spiderman also joins this fight to try & stop them taking the time stone, which includes being beamed up into space. Spiderman hides on the spaceship as iron man try’s to come up with a plan, while hulk is on earth try to speak to captain America for help. Iron man & spider man save strange & decide to head to Titan to face Thanos, & spiderman is finally made an avenger.
Thor is picked up by the guardians of the galaxy who decide to split up. Star lord, gamora mantis & drax decide to go to knowhere where the reality stone is hidden but Thanos already has the stone. Gamora who had initially told quill to kill her finally tells him she’s in love with him, but Thanos uses the stone to pull a trick so he can’t kill her. Back On his ship Thanos tortures gamora sister nebula to find out where the souls stone is from gamora. Nebula eventually escapes & tells the guardians to go to Titan who are already there trying to form a plan with Ironman spiderman an & stange after an initial fight. Strange goes forward in time to see all the outcomes of what happens & if the universe survives & says he has so far only see one. The new avengers & guardians almost defeat Thanos until quill asks where gamora was. Gamora went with Thanos to vormir & was sacrificed by him to get the infinity soul stone. Angry quill attacks Thanos which causes him to go mad & almost kill everyone, it’s only when Tony is nearly dead strange gives away the stone & says that they are in the end game now & that there was no other way.
Vision & Wanda are initially attacked in Scotland by Thanos children for the mind stone only to be saved by cap, Natasha & falcon. They realise they need to remove the stone so take vision to wakanda along with banner & rhoades to meet black panther & Bucky. Thanos’ minions arrive & start to attack.
While that’s going on Thor rocket & groot are getting Thor a new axe called storm breaker to defeat Thanos with however the star that helps to build it has died so Thor sacrifices himself for the star to work for the axe after an earlier heart to hear with rocket has made him realise he has nothing to lose, as he has lost everyone that’s important to him already. The axe is made & with the help of groot helps to heal Thor who arrives In wakanda to help fight off the monsters with groot & rocket.
Eventually Thanos arrives & Wanda has to kill vision to destroy the soul stone after the rest of the team try to stop Thanos. She just about does this but thanks to the time stone he brings vision back to life to now hold all 6 stones. Thor then arrives with his axe & stabs Thanos, but doesn’t kill him, so he snaps his fingers & disappears. Slowly everyone around them starts to disintegrate including most of the guardians, black panther, Bucky, falcon, strange & spiderman. The avengers sit in disarray as Thanos sits in his garden & awakens to a great full universe. In the end credit scene as Nick Fury disintegrates as he sends an sos to captain marvel for help.
& thats part one done. Oh my god that took a while to type it really did. I also tried to do it in an order that made sense & not jump around too much so you could see where each character went.
Also if you want to read my Cinema Club reviews they are here https://popcornforone.co.uk/cinema-club/cinema-club-avengers-infinity-war/ & here https://popcornforone.co.uk/cinema-club/cinema-club-avengers-infinity-war-the-normal-cinema-club-review/ & this is your last spoiler warning.
When Groot says I am Groot to Rocket as the dusting starts, & he disintegrate & Rocket goes to hug him i start crying. That I am Groot means Dad help, & Rocket can do nothing at all to save him he is now alone on a planet he has never been to before, with noone he knows & has no idea what has happened to the rest of his family.
& just as you get over that you get the Mr Stark… & you collapse again & just fall apart into that sadness as well. The fact that whole bit between Tom & Rob was completely improvised was just stunning & so emotional & some of the best acting in an MCU film ever & its gets me every single time.
The best line of the film has to be I Am Groot… I Am Steve Rogers, because he just doesnt get it. It brilliant & its a good little 5 second break from all the madness that is happening in the film at that point.
All words are made up… if you know you fucking know. I am so happy Thor got that in.
Why is Gamora, another classic line. Also Kick Ass, Take Names.
I love the fact that Tony is always moaning at Peter about his pop culture references despite the fact that its entirely what Tony does to put people in there place. Also when the Guardians & mainly Quill catch onto this & then Peter put them in there place is amazing its showing its all coming around full circle.
Thors heart to heart with Rocket is one of the most amazing emotional bits in the whole of the MCU, when he talks about his feeling & he is bereaved & that he could protect his family friends or people & hes now left alone in space. I hope it has inspired people to talk more about their mental health & discuss everything with people if they have something on their minds.
Is Ned Psychic? He screams on the bus were all going to die as a distraction to get PEter into his suit. Then they do… hmmmmmmm is there more to him…. is this hiding in plain sight?
Stan Lees Cameo as the school bus driver as well calling all the kids out for not seeing a spaceship before is brilliant. If he is the watcher that makes perfect sense.
The CGI creatures for the end battle were a bit much they did just at point look mass generated, but some of the stuff they did or you saw happen to them could of belongs in a horror film & did make your skin crawl, so in that respect were perfect.
Hulk refusing to come out & play after everything he had been through was interesting. The Hulk definitely is Bipolar isnt he. Again a good way to address it, but it is dealt with better in other film (ahem Thrgnrk {thats not bad spelling that me going all Taika}).
When Cap first turns up in scotland it is one of those feel good moments, the films been going a little while & you do kinda think so whens Steve turning up.The way its set & the sound & what they d to put there differences aside is brilliant. Its only for all of like 3mins in this scene, but it sets it up for shits going down brace yourself people.
Why did Gamora not run away? She must have know when Red Skull (which was a huge shock by the way) said a sacrifice of love, id have just pegged it out of there as soon as i could. He didnt have the time stone at that point so couldnt bring her back to him. Shes smarter than that. I know she had to die to get that reaction from Quill, but nah you should have run love.
Doctor Strange going through all those different 5million ending & dying in each but one, tht must of fuckign hurt & really stung. Also when he does the whole oh yea you’re definitely a Thanos is brilliant. Its a good distraction too.
That whole fight before & after Thanos loses control is stunning it really is. Throwing a moon at someone, the 400 doctor strange, Tony & being curse with knowledge, even when Thanos is under the spell & they nearly get the gauntlet off. Its all just so compelling.
I like that fact that Groot is now apart of stormbreaker, & that its his arm. The rest of the film Groot had been a stropy teen & now he was proving a point & helping when it was needed most. Which has always been the beauty of Groot, to provide the light in the dark.
We also need to talk about Drax eating his crisps so slow that no one sees him then mantis turns up & blows the whole thing. Thats just so guardians.
Every time Thanos stabs Tony i still shout out no. I really do. I cant stop myself either & i have really tried. I know he lives but i just cant stop myself saying it. Thats what a good film does to you.
Apart from the dusting so many people in the film lose thing they love. The writing was always on the wall. I didnt cry when Loki died, even though hes definitely dead, i didnt cry maybe because i have seen it a lot before. But at least most people did get the chance to say goodbye before the dusting.
The dusting is so disturbing because you are watching the people you have been with for 10 years just disintegrating in front of you with no chance to even help & no idea if you are the next one to go. Its properly haunting.
I love that Captain Marvel is going to be the one who saves us all & sort it out in the end. Thats going to be so epic in Endgame. & the fact that Furys last words are basically mother fucker is amazing.
At the end of it all this isnt an avengers film, its Thanos’ film. He has a mission he wants to achieve & does actually have a fair point about it & everything & he wins. He gets all six stones, clicks his fingers, destroys half of all life in the universe & then goes off to retire on his own. He completed his mission & as far as i am concerned completed his arch. So its going to be so interesting to see how our heros sort this mess out.
People will talk about this film for year & years to come. & this is only part one. People will talk about how they cried & laughed & screamed watching it. If you havent seen this yet, please do so before Endgame. You will need to know that noone is left.
A masterpiece marvel of 10 years of hard work well done to everyone.