Matt Damon
Wednesday late film (had to have dinner before I saw it otherwise it would be like 9pm before dinner) but I’ve learnt something tonight that’s shocked me.
My city does late night shopping like open til 7pm week nights & then 9pm randomly… this isn’t starting at all until December 11th
WHAT! That’s way to late Brighton you fucked up there & im not afraid to type it either you complete idiots.
Today is the only day this week I can see this film after this showing at 6:45 it’s not at the Odeon again wtf also it’s only in screen 8 bet we fill up pretty quickly too.
It did fill up I had people next to me… & the person behind me fell asleep during the film what the hell no you can’t do that. They were proper snoring too just no no no. Me & the lady next to me when we laughed or sniggered louder to wake him up. It worked in the end.
Trailers we had out 3 billboards, wonder, the greatest showman & mollys game the only 1 of those I’m not bothered about is wonder.
Film was good & solid but a little predictable. If you’ve seen the trailer you can almost work out exactly what’s going to happen after the first 10mins.
George Clooney directs well Matt Damon acts well so you but the 2 best friends together & you get an incredible performance. There were points in the film when I wanted to punch Damon & tell to fuck off & take responsibility for everything. I love Damon so for me to want to do that means he was good.
Julianne Moore was good so we the kid. But Oscar Isaac stole every scene he was in by a country mile. He was only in it for 5 mins but he was good.
I like the fact that the story’s are connected but aren’t it’s very clever especially as at the end of the day it didn’t matter what happened & who they were it was the friendship that kept them strong.
I laughed a lot didn’t expect to laugh quite that much at this but I did there were some hitting moments to counter act. There was one Gross point near the end where the women about 4 seats down from me went oh god I feel sick & ran past the rest of the row to leave the Cinema. Little bit of an over reaction even tho it was grim. But you know we’d had grim stuff already.
It was a very solid film. Predictable but I liked that I really wanted to see how it was played out in the end & it had a few more ohh moments than I thought it would.
Well done George but can you come back to acting again now please.