What is it with epic films being released at the end of the July that make me want to review the trailers so much, this one even had a trailer for the trailer date (i saw it on Monday)
So every year, i make a list of 3 films i have to go & see (obviously Star Wars & Bond don’t count its the law you have to see them). This year my three were Beauty & The Beast (EPIC), Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 (ABSOLUTELY EPIC) & Dunkirk… I got a bit up set when i went to see Guardians know i only had one more of my big 3 to see this year, only then to see the trailer for the trailer for Dunkirk on Monday & think hmmm…
For those who haven’t seen it yet here is the the new trailer below…

& breath you remembered to breath right.
I was buzzing when i heard Nolan was making this, then when i saw who was in it was just omg, & then the first 2 trailers were very special & now this one. I think im having a mini panic right now like serious Christopher Nolan fan girling panic ekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Im not sure where to start i really am not… erm let me watch it again for the 10th time. okay lets go…
One bad point just one, when Mark Rylance call Cillian Murphy son… hang on arent you only like 10 years older than him… I love the Cillian is using his normal accent as well yet again bit of Irish shouting there oh yes.
Tom Hardy wears a mask well doesnt he. I had been worried he was in a German plane based on previous trailers, so am now super happy hes in a British on.
Was Kenneth Branagh just hired to do a good monologue, & stare into the distance (theres nothing wrong with that, sir does it extraordinarily well).
How many extras did Nolan hire for that beach scene? he doesnt like CIG & fakery in real world stuff so im guessing most of those people were really people.
Directioners are a little unhappy Harry Styles in only in the new trailer for 7 seconds, but as long as they keep talking about it, it will make more people want to see it surely.
Mum wasnt that bothered by this film after i have been on about this for the last 18 months… is showed her the trailer when i first saw it… she want to come with me now to see it yes yes yes family day out.
I am just sooooooooo looking forward to this so so so.This is actually longer than some film reviews i right & its for a two minute trailer. I really cant wait for July now, hurry up.
Problem is when its over i will probably be in the cinema in floods of tears, it will jolt to black & i will say out loud oh fuck you Nolan you bastard… as i always do… its out of unconditional love though. The man is just class.
Can you get an Oscar for making a trailer