Its’ Time for a Top 10 rundown
1999 was SpoungeBob Square pants was first on tv, Manchester united won the treble (ans we were all scared for life by Ryan Giggs chest hair), Microsoft released MSN, there was a total solar eclipse in Europe, Putin became president & i turned 10.
As i turned 10 we are doing a top 10 here is 10 to 6
10) The World Is Not Enough
9) American Beauty
8)The Sixth Sense
7) Toy Story 2
6) Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Here are the Top 5 movies of 1999
5. Fight Club
Shhh dont mention it. Ive never seen it, its on my list to watch, but someone spoiled it for me a bit like the sixth sense.
4. The Matrix
now when you watch it you think really thats what they thought would happen, but at the time by god was it ground breaking
3. The Green Mile
cue boxes of tissues. Why does Tom Hanks always make me cry
2. The Talented Mr Ripley
no tissues just totes emosh. Jude Law & Matt Damon are just amazing.
and the best film from 1999 goes to only one movie and it is…
1. Notting Hill
It couldnt not be number one. James bond doesnt have to put up with this sort of shit. Just amazing i need to watch it again soon its the perfect Rom Com
So that’s my top 5, if you think there should be something else in there let me know, or if you’ve not seen the films check them out, like i will.
Obvious omissions are The Mummy (but it was a bit shit really lets be honest here), Austin Powers 2 the Spy who shagged me (because it was the 11th best film of the year) & (dont judge me) Inspector Gadget.