Happy Birthday to our precious little goofball. The man who makes us all a little crazy, who the rest of the world are now also obsessed with. JOSE PEDRO BALMACEDA PASCAL! Our sunshine, our meme prince, our everything. So i should watch one of his films. So ive gone for We Can Be Heroes which i partly watched around a friends house with her kids once, but dont remember much of, so this should be interesting.
Marcus Moreno (Pedro character)… darn you for looking so hot sir. Be it at home dad being goofy, driving to work, when he gets his swords, when hes on the drone (which is a huge what the actual fuck moment) & then looking miserable watching this team in fight & it all going wrong to then being the proud dad at the end. He is the only good part of this film. In his black & those arms & shoulders. I mean the rest of the film is a complete waste of time. It really is. I just sit there going what the heck. But Marcus looking that hot, is bloody worth sitting through the res of the film. Especially when he pulls his puppy dog eyes.
My generation had spy kids, our kids will now have this (not that i have kids but you know what i mean) its that kind of film. It really is & us parents or people looking after kids who want to watch it wont moan to much, if we get Slater, Holbrook, Pascal & Chopra. All give a decent performance they do but no one over sells it. They know what they got to do, to convince kids this is a good super hero film. Okay yes i am not the target audience i get that, but i appreciate that they do enough in their limited screen time to make it bearable.
Shark boy & lava girl wasnt a thing over here im afraid to say, so that was a little bit lost on me if im honest. I mean i get it after a bit of a google but nah it wouldnt have been my thing as a kid i think.
I like how all the kids super powers are introduced thats pretty fun but its also very predictable that they dont all really work & arent that fantastic until they become a team & learn their faults , much like their parents have failed. ITs just like oh okay i know where this is going & how they prove they are better as a team. I mean the training montage half way through was needed, but you knew everything that didnt work in that was going to work later on.
The kids power struggle amongst themselves as well, was easy to see that it was going to be resolved & sorted & that come act 3 it was just like come on girl go balance please so we can show that you lead by example.
It was so obvious as an adult that it was passing the torch on to the next generation by the time we saw them all trying to to escape from that prison & then trying to be like oh isnt our kid so good. I mean come on. Maybe i need to ask my friends kids if it was so obvious to them because it was to me.
The alien invasion robot thing was weird & they were very standard & lack of money & cgi at times.
Cracking eggs into a sink will never not get boring…
The first fight with them arriving on bloody drones was ridiculous I laughed to hard at that. & theres point where the greenscreen glitches a little & its a bit like really whats going on here.
I know were showing the kids as the next heroes, but some of those adults were so bad at fighting it really was childs play, no wonder people want he next lot to take over from them.
I love it when films give characters powers & rules for them only for the end of act 3 when showdowns that those rules can be bent. Its not just this film that does it, the MCU & DC also do it, but its just getting a bit like really now. Maybe i am getting super hero fatigue.
The twist that the girl who couldnt speak was a double agent was easy to see coming. Again should ask my friends kid if they thought that was the case.
It takes a long time to get to act 2, but then its so short to set up act 3. I mean i get kids have short attention spans i really do but Act 2 felt like it was all of 4 scenes & then bang were on the space ship for all of act 3.
Proving that you dont need powers to be a hero is a good life lesson for kids, but she was in the end saved by the kids with those powers, so that was a counter productive message.
So i can see why kids aged 6 to 11 love this film, its a good introduction to super hero films for them. But for me it was meh. IT was worth watching for Pedro Pascal being another single dad figure & framing those big puppy dog eyes in those glasses & for the pout & not much else. Show it to your kids & just enjoy the certain view the rest of you which we occasionally get.