I mean i think i maybe the only person who has seen this film so just maybe this is going to be a spoiler filled review but this film is now 2 years old so meh… youve all had netflix longer than me so lets do this.
Im still on holiday in November & i need something Chill which needs some concentration to watch before bed but i want something fun. So Unicorn Store is on my watch list, why not. I mean it cant be that weird can it.
Turned out it was. & i loved it. There were moments of like really, but then there were moments of like of course.
Brie is bloody delightful in this film both in front of & behind the camera (as she directed it) but wow. Her character yo udo just want to shake & go come on girl this isnt the real world, but you do kinda find your inner child in it & you do actually want to have a pet unicorn by the end of the film too. Its the perfect balance & brilliant acting.
& i think thats what makes the ending so good. An actual unicorn does turn up & she has this amazing beautiful moment where all her dreams come true & she is happy for all of 5 minutes & realizes that in preparation for the unicorn shes made friends & repaired relationships along the way so doesnt need it to bring happiness into her life. & i love that about the film. She had the chance to have her dream & she realised that what she already had was worth more than the unicorn, so she was happy not to have it. I did have a little cry at that. (maybe Lockdown 2 the second cummings is having a bad effect on me overly emotional at the best of times i am).
Samuel L Jackson is a brilliant bit of escapism in a film that even though is funny does get dark at times, especially with her bosses sexual advances, thats just wrong. Its really awkward. But yea Jacksons light in this is amazing.
The whole dodgy boss & the camping trip are all just awkward & horrific & are quite hard to watch & you just sit there & think oh god, this is wrong but it does happen in real life.
One of the best bits of the film is when shes pitching her product to her boss & she puts all that efforts & glitter & random stuff in to show that it can clean up anything & that we all need a bit more joy in our life & then that board room on whank pheasants (because thats what they are) just go yea thats all good but sexs sells so we are going with that. Nah no no no. Bullshite to that. I am not going to buy a hoover when i move out in a couple of months time because its got a maid in a short skirt using it or a man in his boxers leaning over it. Nah i want one that i can fit in my cupboard that doesnt way a fucking ton.
Do all interns & temps in America get really important jobs just like that? It happens in every film, so that must be a thing right? that doesnt happen here, well not anywhere that ive worked.
I do love films that heal family relationships. Ive always been really close to my immediate family so i always find those kind of reminiscing moments of reconciliation really touching & beautiful. I just think yea theyve got a chance to talk properly.
The stable made out of all of her art & random stuff in her basement is so magical & lovely. Its just wow. You look at it & think yeah a unicorn will be very happy living there.
I just really enjoyed this film. Looking back at it now i think i enjoyed it more in hindsight more than when i watched it back in November. Its a lovely little aww film that just makes you feel all soft on the inside.
& lets be honest who doesnt want to have a pet unicorn????