So this film had like a 3 day cinema release in 2020 & then was on demand due to the pandemic so it was easy to miss it & not see it. But its now on netflix, so lets see if its as good as the first.
Oh my god why am i watching this film. Like i get some films are a trip to watch & you kinda expect that, but i have had better hangovers than watching this film. It was far too much, it was so weird & out there & yea i didnt connect at all.
So Branch at the end of the first confesses his love for Poppy & she just now sees that as a friend zone area… the hell. No weve established this relationship, dont friends zone him for 90% of the film. She just doesnt get it at all how can she be that naïve.
I get that theres more music other than just pop, but each one had there own style & own marketing & advertising campaign for you to pick each world & where you wanted to be. It was all just too corporate to get everything in it.
Also i didnt realise it was a troll world tour, i thought it was going to be a world tour like a normal world tour. & the trolls world okay yes they are small, is bloody small isnt it. It doesnt take them long to get where they need to go.
It all just sounded so much more glee club & pitch perfect more than the first one. The first one the songs had a point, & it wasnt until we got to act 3 where the music choices started to make sense, but by that point id given up caring.
Any film with Sam Rockwell Yodelling, well thats an extra half a star from me im afraid to say. But that is the highlight of the film.
I get the life lessons, but at the end of the day, its the same life lesson as the first film, which they obviously didnt learn from & just proves they cant be trusted. The story did all leap all over the place too, a bit to much for a kids film. An actual film would have just about made sense to do that, but itn this, no it wasnt needed. It wasnt well written either.
The best tangent strand of the film is the troll who realises he is a twin, thats the best story, forget rock music taking over or a romance one person doesnt recognise. Its the belonging twin that is the best & we only in total spend about 5minutes on that. I mean it does ultimately save them him discovering himself, but we could have had more.
This film was literally a chance to try &get all the other famous people who are in other films or sing a bit or have a sound track to appear in this & turn it into glee.
im sure kids loved this but me right here & now, im gonna stick with the original & pretend this never existed. I have since asked friends with kid about this & they say they love it but the parents all do prefer the first. So yea i wont be watching this in a hurray. Unfortunately i can stop this feeling Timberlake.