When we were little my Grannie & Granddad had this on VHS & me & my sister used to go & watch it quite a lot around there as well as Mr Bean. & then one christmas they gave us the VHS & we were so happy. & i hadnt seen this film since i was about 9 but its now purchased by disney & therefore on disney plus so why not. I mean its probably rally bad now like 23 years later. I mean at least im being nostalgic about my Grandparents & there big house in Portslade & memories of that. (This film is also as old as littlun popcorn)
Well its better animated than Anastasia, lets say that. It was drawn in the disney style too for the period. So in that respect because it wasnt with disney in places it does look a bit sketchy & like the drawings slightly moving & not properly animated, as they didnt have the disney budget.
The story went all over the place too. I mean if it was an animated film now & we meet a big important character like 10mins before the end of the film, youd be like the hell are they doing. I mean yes its John Hurt as a mole but still. Nah you dont introduce him then you at least reference him like maybe hes got control of all the creatures or something. Nah not having that.
I know why i liked this as a child, its Jodie Benson. Its the voice of Ariel my favourite disney princess & favourite disney film. So i heard that voice & instantly felt safe & happy obviously. I mean its so recognisable especially when she sings.
Did all the seasons change in like 6 days in this film from summer to spring stupidly quickly. I mean the metaphor is good that you go from the high of your life (summer) change (autumn) sadness & depression (winter) new beginnings (sprint) but you know that all happened in 6 days.
The bumble bee was a bit of a waste of time i mean even as far as a noble steed. Nope no no.
I love how in all these kids film (which they take the piss out of in frozen) she automatically assumes after one dance & song shes going to marry that guy. I mean i know shit goes down before they next see each other, & in extreme circumstances & a life changing experience, you would accept someones proposal no matter how sudden, but nah i hate that kids film with princesses were like that. They all gave us unrealistic expectations of relationships & men. Life doesnt work like that. Then again im not going to get wings if i get engaged am i.
The bug ball (shout out to the guy who voices Iago, only consistent character in the entire film for just being dodgy the entire time) was good but then calling her ugly as she has no wings & isnt a bug is well off, no way is she ugly & hideous. Its not nice to go around to call anyone that.
I love how witches are either friendly or wicked in films. No ones average (other than Sabrina but even she had an evil twin). I mean she could have given her an actual child, other than her. Also who keeps walnut shells hanging around, seriously?
The frogs are weird but ultimately are a bit of a waste of time. Okay if they dont kidnap her, she gets married in like 2 days & thats the end of the film isnt it, but other than the song & taking the beetles wings they are a bit meh arent they. Also who do insects pay for performances, corn, flowers? thats not explained.
The songs are all okay, i mean they arent part of your world, let it go, beauty & the beast or youre welcome (im gonna need that boat {that my one Rock reference per film}) Let me be your winds, Marry the Mole. I remember theres a bit where she talk sings & she goes i have an idea. Until we were teenagers me & my sister would sing that if either of us had an idea, so it stuck around a bit . Yea they are alright.
that swallow was far to optimistic, about everything, but then also very crap too. I mean that probably me at time, all happy & like yea but then give something a go & it not go to plan. Oh god is he my animated spirit animal?
No way would that little fire have melted that big a block of ice, no way, it was still snowing while they tried to thaw him.
I mean the wedding is pure chaos from walking down the isle to the fight. I mean she didnt even stick around for that & was too busy fantasising. Its a proper acid trip & so random. Yes i mean everyones in that one scene but it still its all over the place & when it was done, i actually went back on disney plus to see it again to check it didnt make sense, i was right.
So the woman who had a child had a little girl for all of like 10 days before she got married, i mean thats not company is it. The whole thing was a waste of time.
Nostalgia value i enjoyed it. Actually knowing about films & kids films, its not aged well. Its got good songs, but we jump about all over the place. Thank god for Jodie to hold it all together. Basically watch it if you remember it from when you were little, dont subject your own little kids to it.