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Time to head back to the modern classics. Its time to finally watch There Will Be Blood. Its always been on the watchlist, but i think youve got to have a clear mind & be ready to concentrate on it, which is what i am going to do. So Daniel Day Lewis. Lets see if you really did abandoned your child or not. Lets put on Netflix & see if this was worthy of another Oscar for you…

There is no denying that Daniel Day Lewis is phenomenal in this. His acting is so good & scary & just ruthless. & it so works. He did deserve that oscar. It was jsut wow. HEs got it, he really really has. However Paul Dano…wow! I mean we now all know that he can deliver that on a regular but at the time it was like woooo. Also it took me a while to work out he played twins & i was then like ahhh its not just a double life there is two of them.

I completely forgot until the kids hearing was taken out by that explosion that he stole that kid. Well not stole but took him when his dad died at the start. The film is so drawn out that i didnt really care about it until the kid got some balls as an adult & told him to fuck off through sign language. Much like with everything else he ever found, he exploited his son, like the other people & just abused his nature to get what he wanted next. This was shown when he shipped him off to school but he should have just come forward then. I mean this does mean we get the “I ABANDONED MY SON!” scream in church.

I get that faith was a big then back that especially in the south but that church is rather strange & odd. Slapping the devil & evil out of you. I was like hang on. It thrust god down your throat but also peoples lack of god (although it did make that seem like a bad thing to have no faith). But if i was there & the priest said let me bless the well, even if i didnt believe, id let them do it & not make up a shitty version of my own. I get that it was all about him, but just allow it. If its important to the people in the community let it happen. Urgh! Idiot.

Its too long. We could have got rid of at least 5mins of awkward staring or unsettling long bits. It didnt even add drama or suspense. There were point where i was like are we moving on to the next bit soon. I dont need to here this again or this long walk. It took far to long to get going & it was long because it thought it had to be.

The way the death is dealt with throughout isnt good. Its just wrong. I get it was the early 1900s & after a civil war but there was no peace or respect to it. They were just discarded & then wondered when they could start making oil or profit again at any point. No respect people please. They are dead. Their memory deserves it.

The half brother was a distraction we didnt need. Especially as its only in the film for like 20mins. I mean its just odd & then hes not actually his half brother? what the hell. No just get on with the rest of the story i dont need that distraction. & if you trust his guy killing him is going to be even more suspicious.

The end is weird. I get hey needed to have it out, but to have it out at a bowling ally & beat the guy to crap was like what he hell. I get he has a violent nature & he humiliates him like he had done previously the other way around but it just is like what the hell. & the butler just accepts it.

I like the final line “IM FINISHED!” a metaphor for the mans carer, or his life, or Daniel actually saying hes had enough or that the film is over. Its so clever. The perfect line to end it on.

Im not the biggest fan of this genre of films. ITs never been a top watching for me, but i appreciate the skill that goes into it. The writing is so good & their is some lush cinematography throughout that makes you go oh wow. & crafting those well, fantastic & so clever, it shows you how far we have come since &what we can do now, but there are still risks with drilling. It also shows that greed & being selfish have always been a thing, its not just a now problem with people in power.

Its a good film & it is so well acted & i am glad i have finally seen it. The things i dont like with it are more my fault that the films. But its well worth a watch people for a truly sublime acting master class from Daniel & Paul.

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