Spoilers but will try to keep this like a cinema club review which will be hard.
Oscars Oscars Oscars… will they even happen… at the moment not likely (well at the time of writing initially it wasnt likely its now 3 weeks away). I am alone in my flat & i really want to watch something awardsy & i keep putting off watching this so fuck it lets do it, lets see how good a film this really is.
Before i get into this i would advise you to google the actual real life events leading to this before watching it. Everyone who hasnt didnt enjoy the film as much has those that either remember it or have looked it up since so thats your home work people… we good now you all caught up… brilliant, on with the cinema club style review.
Im going to start with the end… maybe not the best place to start with a film like this where you are trying not to spoil it for people. But after everything they had been through & what had happened & how people were treated & what went down, when he stands up & starts… well i stood up in my lounge on my own & started clapping. I wish i had seen this moment in the cinema because im a pretty sure the reaction of people in the cinema would have been the same. The energy from that moment & that one act, i mean the rest of the film had been so powerful anyhow, but wow. That is just so inspiring. Brilliant. It had all lead to that one moment.
ITs one of the best ensemble performance in a straight not comedy or huge budget films in years. The way they all interact with each other. The different personality’s clashing & then matching, the respect. Its pure acting at its finest & everyone deserves whatever awards come there way this oscar season (Sasha mainly).
I like how it jumps about from the present to the flash backs to the future with the stand up & how its not afraid to not pull the punches & kick you when your down just like the actual people in the film. It never seems false & you dont get bored of it. It is so cleverly edited that you just sit there & watch it & suddenly realise oh god were near the end where did those 2 hours go. The perfect pace & length.
I like how they joke that everyone on the protest was undercover police, i like that what a line.
The no respect is so powerful. Properly emotional after the shock that happened just before it.
The violence was grim & horrific at times but that actually did happen to real people & that does need to be shown on tv. especially with those frat boys & the movement against that kind of behaviour right now. They got what was coming to them.
Theres a lot of words & long speeches & monologues in this film as its set in court & people are discussing very technical terms at length but at no point do you get bored of that of the legal mumbo jumbo. It just feels right & it doesnt treat you like an idiot if you dont quite get whats happening at times.
If Cinemas ever do reopen i want this to be on the big screen please because i want to see everyones reaction to that moment, & not just feel it as a one but as a collective.
I really hope this does well in award season i really do. Its pure acting perfection from everyone in it, & if it doesnt this will truly be the film that got away due to circumstance & deserves its own justice & standing ovation.
Basically go do your research then find this on Netflix people.