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Classic concentration friday film night time, & tonight we are going back to 1999, to watch for the first time ever The Sixth Sense. I am looking forward to this, its been high on the list for a number of years now, but i am going to be spoiler heavy & i would like some feed back people. So this is your warning & then im just going to get straight into it okay.

So about 6 years ago my sister had seen this at a friends house for the first time & i had never seen it & she came home & i asked her what she saw & she said ahh the sixth sense, i went and… (which is what i usually say to people when theyve seen a film im interest in) & she answered well i didnt see the twist coming that he was dead from the start. I looked at here & went WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! & then it dawned on her that i hadnt seen it… & she spent the next hour going oooooh fuck sorry i thought youd seen it, nope no i hadnt. So when i put it on & he got shot in the opening scene i was like ahhhhhhhh okay, lets see whats obvious in this to show hes dead. So that was my game & trying to work out when he is going to work it out.

I mean that was still fun. & there are multiple moments when you watch this film when there stuff & because you know you realise ahhhh they arent alive. Its very cleverly done. On a second viewing after finding out at the end of the first viewing its so clear exactly whats happening & going on. ITs really clever so many things. From the menu, to no one else talking to him or acknowledging him, it being cold, & just random stuff going on with him. When you know its bleeding obvious, its amazingly done to keep it like that.

How did they not work out someone wasnt in their house & we never really know what was wrong with him in the first place. Yes i know hes guilty later on for what happened in the past & on that night, but its only really mentioned once more when we listen to the old tape recording which was weird.

Bruce Willis is superb, seriously amazing. Considering that he basically only talks to a kid for the entire film. & hes got a lot to deal with. He is amazing & at his best in this. Its a pleasure to watch & sit through that kinda acting masterclass. IT reminds you just how good he was in the 80s & 90s. Seriously brilliant at being the kids doctor & speaking to him about everything.

Toni Collette was fantastic as well & her mood swings & trying to cope being a single mum in the 90s. I mean im not American, but knowing some of the stuff my parents had to deal with in the 90s & what id seen on tv of America at the turn of the millennium, a lot rang home & i could see the struggle.

The kid Haley was good too. He had a lot to deal with & to show a kid who clearly needed help & was vulnerable in so many ways, must have been hard to do back in the 90s. I mean now it would be accepted, but he was brilliant.

I cried. Yea i cried. When they are sat in that car on the way back from the play( how many plays did that school put on each term by the way) & he says hes ready to communicate & talk to her about what he sees & then he starts talking about his grandma & how even in death shes proud of her daughter. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh fuck that got me. I was sitting there balling my eyes out. I actually paused it for a couple of minutes as i wanted to watch the realisation in the next scene. But yea that hurt that really did hurt. Im too emotional for stuff like that to happen in films.

I am a huge advocate of the its okay not to be okay feeling. I am always here for you all, you know that (unless im at the cinema) i will drop everything to hear what youve got to say, even if you just want to type & rant to me & then just go thank you for just getting that out of the system, i am here for that. So it really hurt me when the kid was deemed as a freak in this film by everyone who wasnt immediate family & was bullying him or not helping him. I just want to tell him it was going to be okay & he could get through it. But no this is the 90s expect the worst. That was hard to watch too, especially being in that closet at the party & the teacher at the school.

I like how act 3 started with an actual ghost confrontation to go help out the sister, that was clever & very good, but that is the only time you actually see him help someone really. Does he just go from there to do this with ghosts for the rest of his life. Also what a place to do it at her wake & with the retro VHS too wooohooo. I do have a questions to any americans who follow me… do you always host the wake at your house afterwards? do you not hire somewhere for it like we do here? seems very odd.

M Night had his appearance as per, as the doctor. I was like ahhhh DRINK… but i had run out.

There was a point where they all turned up there heating in the film & i was like ahhhh dont & then i remember this was in the 90s not now, they didnt have a cost of living crisis then.

For a kid who for the majority of the film isnt enjoying the dead people he sees, he spends a lot of time in churches doesnt he or near them. Of course he was having issues if he was constantly there, its all too much for him.

The iconic I SEE DEAD PEOPLE line is just that. I mean when he wrote that he must have known it was going to be good, but did he really think all these years later wed still be going on about it. The delivery & the look on the kids face as he comes to terms with his reality is brilliant. I love it. Goosebumps up the arms straight away.

I loved his little fort in his bedroom, that was a very 90s thing as well. We used to make one in the lounge.

Showing everyones breath being in the fall was clever, to show those that were or werent dead a brilliant way of doing it even if it made me feel chilly myself (dont put the heating on yet girl). especially with the big reveal at the end when he realises he is dead. & the realisation of no wedding ring & her not being guilty of an affair but being guilty of moving on to soon. That was lovely. Also falling asleep to the wedding video, lovely, absolutely perfection. I mean as someone who sometimes falls asleep listening to an Irishman play the sims, i can appreciate the white noise.

i love autumn so i loved all the autumnal colours & style & clothes, it all worked. & the score was lush & felt very autumn too, but it wasnt over the top. It went for it when it had to, but it was pleasant for the most part of it.

I wish i hadnt know the twist, but i still bloody enjoyed this. So film peoples come to talk to me about when you first saw this & if you knew the twist already before watching it & if you didnt if you worked it out before hand. not knowing the twist would have made this better than it was but its still bloody special. Im going to watch this film many times to come, the acting is amazing & the writing is top tier. Seriously get onto this peoples, you will all love it.

Im sorry it took me so long to watch you.

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