going to try & do this like Cinema Club as its new, so if i spoil it my bad, i will try not to, as i know its only come out recently plus its award season some of you are like me & still trying to get through them all.
So this is Maggie Gyllenhaal directorial debut, making a film about a mother whos on holiday without her adult daughters, who sees a newish mother with her daughter which causes her to have flash back to her life when she had kids that age.
Maybe its because im not a mother, but i didnt really connect to any of the character in the film at all & the way they looked after they kids, it all just felt a little alien to me & no ones parenting at any point in the film made me think of my up bringing & similarities to that. So it all just felt a little weird.
That being said there was a stand out star of this film, Jessie Buckley. She in the flashbacks as the younger Olivia Coleman (who was good by the way im not dissing her) was amazing she had the most heavy lifting to do. She had the inner conflict & everything going on. & she was trying to be like a young Olivia not Olivia channel her instead. She was very good & powerful in her performance. Shes not going to win any awards tho, we all know the girl from west side story is signing all the supporting acting awards dont we.
Ed Harris being in a film, not being a villain, but just being a random helpful guy was a little disturbing i was looking forward to him being more than i though he was going to be.
Olivia Coleman had the guts to go & tell people at a cinema screening to shut up & go & complain… good on her… i mean i go shhhh at people but thats about it. That was the bravest thing she did & only thing i could relate to.
ITs weird how we dont get any flash back for ages & then we get them randomly & then theres a whole 20min part where that is the case.
There were moments where it tried to add more drama & suspense to it, but the film didnt need it. Are pine cones & hat pins & dolls really that threatening? no they arent dont go ramping up the tension maybe tell us more about here & her kids & her parenting & why she did everything apart from being selfish & “an unnatural mother” which is what she kept saying.
She was in Greece. I really want to go back on holiday now. Get me to an island in southern Europe asap.
Were back to my current question of does one great acting performance make a film good. In this film case know, because i didnt relate to much of it & the behaviour & attitudes of the main cast & their stories, it didnt make it a good film for me. Buckley & Coleman make it average with there performances but other than those two there is no other reason to watch this film, im sorry to say. I really was looking forward to it to, i wanted to really like it but it just didnt connect & feel flat for me.