Lockdown part one (remember that oh memories) is the reason i didnt see this film at the cinema. It was my intention to see it. I had it planned out i had seen 2 films back to back on the monday & had planned on seeing the lighthouse which had come out on the friday before, on the wednesday as i had plans on the tuesday. However on the tuesday morning when i woke up there was a message on my phone from the cinema going, were closed please dont come…. ahhhhhh noooooo! so i missed it completely. But tonight its on netflix, so i can get my fix now.
& what a fix that was. Like i like trippy films that are weird & go completely crazy & bit like say what, theres definitely a time a& place for that, but this oh man. Its not a film its art & its been a while since ive said that about a film. Its not about the story but it is but its about the cinematography & the randomness of it all. Its just AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! If youve seen the film you know what i mean.
Once A Seagull, Always Seagull… is something we say down here when our captain retired from playing football for us. So the Seagull in this i felt affiliation for. So when he was viciously beaten & murdered after being told dont fuck about or hurt the seagull, you knew shit was going to go down. Bruno warned us all but nope shit goes down & it all then gets weird. I mean it was weird anyhow but still.
I can see this being more as a play that a film if im honest. IT should be something you see at the national & not on your TV or cinema screen. I think it was mainly in the 3 different locations & it was a 2 hander, thats what made it feel more intimate & a work of art & passion than an actual movie. Also what youve got Dafoe & Pattinson going full method, that is something to watch.
The way it was filmed in black & white & in the square box for scale, added to the artiness of it all as well. Also when the bad weather happened because you werent seeing it in colour & the sky even looked grey when it was okay, you just felt cold & troubled like were you ever going to get off this lighthouse with them.
IT was very wordy & im pretty sure there were some bits i easily missed. You really really had to concentrate on every little thing that was said & pick up on it all. There was at one point where Pattinson asked about something & Dafoe said hed already explained that & i was sitting there going well has he? I dont recall that. So maybe it was making you think about what had been said earlier & there had been alot to it.
The hallucination were weird but after the third it was like you know what im used to this now, i now accept this as my life & what im viewing.
HE made him do all those jobs on the island & then didnt let him actually look after the lighthouse… I know he was possessive of it & everything & we find out its power & hold over them later but still. After all of that, to not even allow him up in the day when its not a storm, isnt good is it. HE needed to know how to deal with it.
I don’t like Gin, im not sure i could have survived on that just that. I know desperate times desperate measures & all but still. He could have all the Gin id get my crackers (maybe even eat a seagull just not the one eyed one). Also once they all started drinking it got weirder if possible.
The fact that some one was someone else, burying someone alive, destroying there only way off the island if it storm stopped a bit & lots of axe attacking & hitting yea that went from okay to holy crap very quickly. Huge escalations in a short amount of time. It was almost like the film went well weve been wordy for the 1 hour 15min & now for the next 30 were going crazy on you, just to trip you even more.
& then the end after he gets into the lighthouse has a freak out & then is pecked to death by seagulls. I mean i know they eat anything(ours here are testament to that) but eating that, not nice ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
As i said at the top more a piece of art that cinema & would be better to see in live & in person to feel even more connected & emotional. I thought it was good, but i was expecting something a little more straight forward & less trippy. Well acted & very very clever, definitely worth a watch if you are up for a trip, just really concentrate & dont drink while watching it (that was part of my mistake).
Once A Seagull, Always Seagull.