Hes not the messiah hes a very naughty boy…
Terry Jones died this week & after the last legs tribute to him with always look on the bright side of life i thought fuck it, its time i sat down & watch Life of Brian from start to finnish. Ive never done that before. Ive seen most of it over the years but never in one sitting so here i am at 11:10pm on a friday night ready to giggle my head off, its comedy genius still to this day.
Mini popcorn Synopsis for anyone who has no idea about this at all.
Brian Cohen is a baby born in the stable next door to Jesus Christ all those thousands of years ago, who the wise men visit by accident. Years later when Jesus is busy having followers Brian goes to listen to him but heads off with his mum to see a stoning instead. Eventually he ends up joining a radical group called the People Front of Judea & after a few close calls is caught by the Romans, eventually he escapes but ends up where preachers preach. People believe what he has to say & start believing that he is also a Messiah & they keep following him around, including down a hole & when he wakes up in the morning. Eventually Brian is recaptured by the Romans & is sent to be crucified, but is due to be pardoned, but they pardon the wrong man. Brains & the other people being Crucified face there death on the mount & sing always look on the bright side of life as the camera fades away.
Im not really sure what to type if im honest. Its a gem of a film, its so funny it stands up still today 40 years later. It makes me laugh & feel nostalgic. Its just amazing.
Obviously all those people following Brian everywhere & his mum then telling them to piss off are the best bits of the whole film. They really are. Think for yourself he says to them, yes we will all think for ourselves they then all yell back in unison. Oh its so funny.
The Gladiator scene is really funny too, he just runs around until there is a cardiac arrest of the gladiator, how clever is that the guy deserved to live.
The Romans are all so crap its brilliant ( except for the education roads heath care sanitation etc that they have done for us all obviously). But the maining him paint the words 100 times on there & not get rid of him there & then, the not spotting the hiding & the crap running & The failures of the pardons. Oh its too much it really is.
Shes not fussed about the mur until they take it back from her to see actual Jesus i love that.
Oh i cant be mean to this film or write to much more about it everything i have to say has been said by people for 40 years. It is a work of art, it is genius, it stands the test of time & its just so funny.
The Pythons are the best & always will be & im sorry that it took Terry Jones to die for me to sit here & watch it all for the first time. He was right when he sung life is a piece of shit, but its just so iconic & brilliant doing that one your way out of this world, that it had to be watched this week.
Always look on the bright side of life people
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