So the world has all watched The Batman this last week, like i have, & are looking at other Batman content to watch. Im off ill today & looking through Netflix for something to just laugh at & not concentrate with, what do i find the Lego Batman movie. That will more than do. Its a brilliant distraction from feeling like rubbish.
I love this Batman. I really really do. & im so hacked off they have now said they arent going to make another Lego Batman, why not? MAKE ONE YOU COWARDS!!! I NEED IT!
from the opening of narration to the end credits its just ahhhhhhhhhh. Even the random narration is so clever. It knows its a film for kids, but it also knows its a film for millennials. & it loves itself for it & im here for it.
Will Arnett voicing Batman is brilliant i love it. When the cast him for the original lego movie… insane choice. It just works so well. In fact the whole voice cast ahhhhhh…
Zach Galifanakis
Rosario Dawson
Ralph Fiennes
Michael Cera
Channing Tatum… & this is all before you get to the likes of Eddies Izzard being the Joker. Its an insane cast & i love them all. It was well collated & cool & just worked.
Theres a point where Batman is busy talking about being a creature of the night & being in charge of his own life & everything only for Alfred to go Sir its morning & he hisses when he opens the curtains. I love that. It so well comically timed & i always smile at that.
I love that he put the lobster in the microwave to warm up & then he watched Jerry Maguire & laughs at the you complete me. Brilliant & then for that to be what happens at the end once hes happy is brilliant.
I love the reference to tall the other Batman movies which are all in lego form in this film & then Adam West is just like hi im the Original. What a lovely way to acknowledge the past batmans. Its so cool.
Jokers face when he realise Batman doesnt care about there relationship is always so heart breaking. His world is a lit, batman has just told him hes worthless & not worth his time. Yea that hurts. I also love how at the start of this 2minute chat there was only 10 seconds left on the bomb. Yes kids film, thank you.
Bane just making incoherent noises is brilliant. I love that. Tom Hardy does too. Its so cool I always smile at it.
The Phantom Zone… finally we see it at last. For years everyone’s always talked about the phantom zone & then to see it all, even in lego form & whos up there, amazing. I love it Im always so happy we get up there. & that all the villains just go yea we are agreeing to this & are going to help you take over Gotham ahhhhhhhh.
Co-parenting. Thats nice. I get this is for little kids (even though its not) but theres no shame in co-parenting or same sex couples bringing up kids. ITs nice to see that.
Last time i checked i only had one but so i only made one seat. Face palm Batman seriously.
I love how everyone in this film is also a master builder. Its chaos but so cool.
Batman has all the good ideas & no one else has them, except once ahhhhhhhhh i always laugh at that.
Batman has so many obvious moment to learn his life lesson & moral about he doesnt need to do this on his own. & by the 4th time im like oh come the fuck on mate, sort it out, please. Its a few to many moments where he goes nope, not now.
All the lego bricks joining together to save the city at the end, i love it. I mean you so would do that with your lego too you really would. & that when he & the Joker make up (if you get me) its so sweet.
Superman’s Justice League Party & his layer, is crazy. I love how that randomly appears half way through the film i love it.
The way Robin pick his bat man outfit, is exactly how you swap outfits on the lego game for console too. That always makes me smile & then the fact Alfred picks classic batman too ekkk.
They are all cosplayer wannabe… how dare the joker. That hit home a bit how dare he. Cos players are cool they arent all villains.
Souron getting taken out by Godzilla always cracks me up so much i love it. I just cant stop laughing when that happens. Its always the point where i go yes this is a good film. Enjoy it girl.
It does so much for original Batman Lore too. Its well written & at points you forget its a lego animated kids film. ITs only when the phantom zone happens that you go ahhhhhhhh i know this isnt real. Probably a better batman than Affleck?
Im not ashamed to say that this film hit the spot. Its fun, its cliché, its clever, its hear warming & its such a well told story. You can do a lot worse for a kids film for sure. We arent talking shrek, but damn this is bloody good for a modern animated movie that delivers for both adults & kids. You will all have a bloody good time watching this. All of you.