I need a come down after watching Arrival & being on the edge of my seat for a good amount of time during that monster of a film (punt total intended). So im putting on some Mendelsohn to cheer me up. I mean its a comedy right so this should be okay. It going to be some nice easy watching….
Turns out it was easy watching. It was very average but for once with a film i actually appreciated how average it was because that was the point of the entire film. Basically its a film about how we take people or things for granted & get into certain circles or spiral with our lives that then just take over, & how some thing very every day can then have a huge impact.
No one had a stand out performance if im honest, even tho i watched it because it had Ben in it, he was still pretty laid back about it & didnt put everything into it like weve seen else where, but that was the point. Every day life is just like that.
I like the fact the kids had vices & the drugs. Id just like to say that not all you kids do or will do drugs & go to rehab quite like that, they will have another phase instead. & if you kid is into that there is a huge chance they wont die from it. That was the one dramatic part of the film. Although i liked how it was probably the most honest peart of the film. It takes something like that for people to show you who they really are & you see everything. Its a shame that it often comes to this.
Going to random shops & chatting to people stupidly in a funny way to try & get shagged was clever & so would be a mid life crisis retirement kinda thing.
When me pops is a bit tipsy & i go & pick him up hes often like well how did i get here when we would get home & i completely relate to that bit when they taxi drops him off at his exs house.
The couple in the hotel were so rude. I really did want to punch them okay yes stranger danger & all but some on let your kids be kids other wise they will have issues later on.
The tortoise is bloody brilliant its amazing & it sums everything up about this film, it just keeps becoming integral even though it really shouldnt be which is what normal day life is.
Smashing that huge bottle of champagne against the train was epic.
I wanted it to be more funny than it actually was but it didnt make laugh out loud more than twice i sniggered & chuckled a bit but it wasnt hilarious. The fight at the end at the dinner no one really wants to be at that made me laugh.
It was an okay film i guess. I probably wont watch it again, but it was a good come down after the tense film i had just seen before. Its nothing to shout from the roof tops about, it took up 93 mins of my evening & that was about it.