0 4 mins 6 yrs

Oh Chanel 4 have now started to compete with C5 for Sunday random films.

Today is the Jungle Book

Oberdido i wanna be like you

Those Wolves would have never accepted Mowgli surely forget the mothers maternal instinct he would have been ripped limb from limb yummy dinner that cant defend itself.

The Wolves meet on council rock, wtf? also no chance for his family to say good buy to him. Also they all just agree for the panther to take him, when he could easily eat him just like the tiger.

But before that he would have slipped down the boat that was sinking into the water killing him saving everyone of all the trouble.

Yes i can see Bagheera point that he was always his guardian angle, but that is taking it a bit far.

surely when king Luis (Suarez) claims to be a cousin, that would cause lots of kids to ask there parents why the monkeys are related to him, im sure i probably did. Also why is fire the answer to becoming man? However it is just an amazing part of the film.

Black eyes that are purple on the animals, as they are already a dark colour. And they also disappear so quickly they would have the black eyes for weeks.

Surely Baloo & Bagheera are the original same sex couple bringing up Mowgli and wanting to adopt him, especially with the would you marry a panther line.

Shere Khan was painted out as the Villain in this film, all he had was his best interests at heart, seriously hes not that bad a tiger, i think i would do the same too. Carr the snake ( my favourite character in the film) is the biggest villain in the film. Hes a bit of a twat really.

If only those Vultures were voiced by the Beatles, now that would be cool. The look like them too.

My sister loves the baby elephant, as he has eyebrows and a snazzy hair cut. & he wines so much.

Hup 2 3 4, in which Bagheera gives away there is a man cub to Shere Khan what a twat.

If someone threw fire in my face or on my tail id freak out too. Thats a bit much. You dont actually see him die. The rain could have put the fire out, also he could have gone to get more tigers to take out the Vultures & man village.

The eulogy is very cleaver, but why did no one actually check he was dead.

How old is Mowgli meant to be? 8, 10, 14? yet the first woman he sees he goes all Robin Thicke on them & runs off imagine if someone had taken him there years before, no trouble at all.

Kids films are always good to watch but you know, you realize when your older how messed up they really are. 

Ive actually finished this review before the film has finished hmm, my memory is good if i notice anything else i will add it to the bottom of the review in a different colour. I’ll just leave you with this video.

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