Im going to try not to spoil this, its only been out for a month so im going to give people the benefit of the doubt that theyve not seen this yet.
Time for a film which i have reliably informed i should have seen the Danish version first, but i didnt so i apologise for not doing that. As someone who like to see the original source material first i am very sorry, so this will be interesting & i intend to watch the original soon.
I am (& you all know i am) a firm member of the Jake Gyllenhaal needs an oscar club. This one man on screen story basically is his new attempt because he goes through every emotion possible in this film. From being insane, angry, emotional, vulnerable, being a friends & enemy, its a stunning performance for a guy whos just on the phone for the entire film. It really is. I mean theres still a lot to come this oscar season, but he should at least get a globe nod for this.
I like how we find out about his character throughout the film & how we realise why he is where he is & whats going to happen in the future. Its a good way of showing it & im here for it. Especially when he has a moment (when youve seen it we will chat) & then its his epiphany & it changes everything about him. Its stunning acting & you breath a sigh of relief with him that he manages to get everythign off his chest, you breath with him.
All the people on the phone who call him throughout the film at the dispatch from the numbers you just listen to, to the one that becomes the main story, its so interesting. The main story despite the fact you cant see what going on, but the way in which its told i had such vivid images going on in my mind that i watched 2 films while seeing this one, the one on my TV & the one in my head, now thats a clever film. It also made me realise how much people judge others too & then you feel bad for yourself judging someone in one way. I shows why you need the whole story & not just part of it.
Everyone who isnt on the screen & gives a voice acting performance, brings the right level for what they are needed, especially Emily, her husband & there daughter, especially the daughter. Wow. That kid will go far. One day she will be winning awards & ill being doing that DiCaprio gif going ahh thats the Kid from The Guilty. Its brilliant.
So when i call the police dispatch, they can see where i am & my number & who i am… really. I thought you had to tell them that. They can also get all my records up straight away. I mean ive got nothing to hide at all, but still. I didnt quite realise they had all that before you even said you name just from the phone number. GDPR GDPWHAT!!!
I sat on the edge of the chair for the majority of the film wanting to know how it was going to resolve itself. It was just so filled with drama & trauma, which for a film being made in 2 rooms was brilliant. Altho why we swapped from the main control room to the other half way through was a little random but then it made sense about 10mins later.
I really liked it & if this isnt meant to be as good as the original as most people are saying i cant wait to see that now too. So lets get going with give Jake an Oscar drive people, he needs one soon. HEs stunning.
What a clever film to have you watch two films when your only actually watching one.