Spoilers maybe…. maybe no lets see how i go with this its relatively new, depending on where you are in the world. So if i do spoil it you have been warned. Yeah spoilers people my bad. I just got typing & then went off on one.
This had a shambles of a uk film release it kept getting delayed & then was only in cinemas in london or on at like 1pm on a wednesday at a cinema an hour away. so i didnt get to see it. But as i currently have my parents prime login, i have access to it, happy days. Lets go Dev Patel.
So its very very slowly paced, really slowly passed, i get the point of the desperation &the journey & the struggle but still, it is very slowly paced. At one point i was like weve been in this part of the forest for a while, why are we struggling with this part.
Dev Patel is amazing he really is considering most the film film is him going through a forest on a quest & when he is with other people hes either being egotistical or a twat or being an idiot. When he takes his head off i was just like you stupid twat & then when he goes to meet him at the end its only then he realised what his fate was going to be. He’s had an entire year & film to work that out why only realise that the day before. urgh idiot.
Whats better than one Alicia Vikander, two Alicia Vikanders. Ohhhhhh that made me very happy, double amount of my girl crush happy bloody days. When she turned up again i was like is this a vision, whats going on here & then when i realised it was someone else to prove a point & to show what his mind was on & his greed & lust for all people & power i got that. I mean two Alicias is just the best.
Every film even if underutilised is made better with Joel Edgerton, it really is. Which is what they did in this film. I was waiting for him to be more important than he actually was, but nah he wasnt used to his full potential at all.
Who stole the show, the guy from the mission impossible films, Dev, Ralph Inesons Green knight, nah none of them. The Fox. The Fox on the journey was brilliant. I was petrified when i though he was dead but he was actually okay & then he was mean to him &told him to leave despite the warnings he gave him & knowledge & spirit he gave him on his way.
That random woman in the house where she was a ghost & haunting him was very weird. very weird in deed. I mean the scavengers attacking him made more sense than a ghost, i mean that was clever & interesting but yea the ghost nah nope.
The round table & Excalibur was like ahh oooh actual myths & legend & then they were all either so excited to see what was happening & so full or themselves that they all just let it happen. Twats the lot of them.
Now usually i dont like it when film at the end are just a dream or their imagination going wild & wasting your time, but with this film it worked. & it was so clever as from the moment he got back home he didnt say a word & it basically was the life that could have been flashing before his eyes before he was beheaded & then the fact it all still fails for him & he isnt the great knight he thought he was going to be & then his head falls off which awakens him to his sense before the actual green knight says now off with your head, i loved it. It wasnt a cop out for once having it as a dream, because it showed that his life wasnt going to be all that & was all of this worth it, no it wasnt. He had been foolish & been an arrogant dick.
I felt cold watching it, i mean thats a good sign. Yes its christmas time here & this is a christmas film (dont get me started if you say it isnt its the catch me if you can conversation peoples). Some of the landscapes & cinematography were beautiful & imaginative & i loved it. Especially the dark of the crown & the castle & then that beautiful glade at the end proving that maybe the grass is greener on the other side. IT was beautiful that viewing. it really was , just lush.
Im glad ive finally seen this film, & i can imagine how good it would have looked on that big a screen. I mean my TV is pretty big but still. It would have looked grander & more full of purpose than i saw. I did enjoy it but its not something im going to go back to time & time again. Some brilliant acting & some brilliant cinematography & life lesson, but did they learn from them no not really.
Arrogance & ego prevailed above all else.