Going to try & do this cinema club style as it only came out recently & i know some of you want to see this.
Scrolling through the watchlist on a saturday night if im not out(which im not at the moment all my money will be spent at star wars celebration) is my thing. So i stumbled upon this on my Netflix watch list & was like yep that will definitely do i am up for the 100%. Love me some Eddie & Jessica. I also dont know too much about this movie so i am going in blind.
Oh Damn
I know netflix have their rating & warning, but i need to tell you now that its not a nice subject. Its pretty dark, but unfortunately this stuff does go on & its horrible & the reason for doing what happens when they are asked at the end, what a piss poor excuse, but thats the whole bloody point. & its hard to talk about that without ruining it fo you all. Arghhhhh.
Jessica is brilliant. Without spoiling what she has to go through, as i want you all to know as little about this as possible, she nails it all. She makes me scared & panic & feel really sad. Imagine being in that position, if you have seen the film. Theres one part that does terrify me.
Eddie… you all know i adore Eddie. But ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I mean it took a little while to get used to the accent but darn it Eddie. He is so good. We need to sing his praises much more than we already do. Was gonna say give this man an oscar, but hes got one… GIVE THIS MAN ANOTHER OSCAR! I always feel so safe watching him in a film. I know im going to get such a good performance. Especially in Act 3 in this theres 2 table scenes which are brilliant, especially the one with repetition.
I spent ages trying to work out who one of the detectives was, it was the guy from the Truman show. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I havnet seen him in anything other than that so that was a nice surprise.
Its dark & its disturbing & heart-breaking at times due to the subject matter. But there was a father in the film, who was going through so much that i really felt for him at points. It didnt make me cry but i welled up for sure, it was very emotional & i knew once we met that set up that stuff wasnt going to be as it seems.
I had no idea it was based on a book & a real life story or set in 2003, yikes.
Okay Americans out there…WHY DONT YOU HAVE A HEALTH SERVICE & NEED INSURANCE ALL THE TIME!?!?! Seriously, in all these films none of these people have this at all & its just like oh come on. If it was here, yes she would have been on an NHS waiting list, but when it got to that point in the film shed have been moved up for sure.
I learn a lot about Meds in this & how things dont mix well together. Im now well informed & wont mix mine again for a while (not that i ever get to that amount of seriousness with them).
Telling her kids, that was heart-breaking.
& the cover ups. Oh god the cover ups by bloody everyone urgh. Not good not nice. & the scary thing is we all know it happens. You see it on the news but for it to be there dramatized in Black & White in a movie. Yea that hits home.
It was very well done & very well acted. The things i didnt like in the film are things i dont like in the world that i wish could be changed, but unfortunately that isnt going to happen. Its a very good interesting & manipulative watch & how your mind changes about certain things is so well orchestrated. Yea please go watch this, then come find me, so we can chat properly about it.