Spoilers… or not its a real life story
This a few years ago was on my cinema to watch list… however it never actually came to a local or multiplex cinema near here. The closest was wimbledon (not even southampton) so i didnt go & see it. But my letterboxd app told me it was now on Netflix (i will get you all using Letterboxd people if its the last thing i do). so here i am watching this.
Im first of all going to say do some research on this before watching it. I didnt. I knew it was about a race to become president where he doesnt get in but other than that i knew nothing as i wasnt alive at the time all of this happened so do a little back ground check first of all people. Once i had done this a day or so after watching the film i appreciated it so much more & actually felt it was a better film after seeing a bit more about Gary Hart.
Hugh Jackman is always stupidly underrated he really is & once again here he is so compelling in playing serious role & is just the master at under selling & nailing & then just turning it on at the right time to make you go oh yea this guy really does have range & can act, not just sing dance & be a comic book icon.
I always like a film that looks at American Politics & shows how corrupt certain system & ways things set up & Then throw shade at what the happens afterwards. Theres a point in this film where they sit there & call out all the future presidents that they get away with stuff or do certain things & get caught out. All of them but Obama but they do say that someone progressive will then put things a way back afterward (Trump). Thats the correct amount of self awareness for a film. Its making you realise what they are talking about without actually talking about it & if you get it the film thanks you for doing that.
The way the press treat people in this hasnt changed to this day. The hounding of the girl who he had a one off with &then the campaign people say they will be there to support her & her life is pulled to shreds. The media turning up at the houses & the fact they just dig into every small part of your personal life ( i mean if your going to be president i guess they kinda have to. They werent very good at there stake out tho, but i love the fact they took his instructions to follow him literally.
When he gives that answer in the briefing room before facing the media its epic & then the fact that 5 mins later he choakes on the same question from the worlds media is just like oooooh wow. That actually did make me feel sorry for him & everything he had been through up to that point & that 5 second pause costs him everything. Its heart breaking to watch.
Its interesting that theres good press, evil press, press just doing there jobs & press wondering if they can be in jail for what they report. Its a proper look at all the morals that go into & out of there heads & whats acceptable & thats why this film is so relevant into todays world. Sometime the press do need to hold them selves accountable. Im not saying take away freedom of speech (i wouldnt have a blog if i did) but you know sometimes what they do is pushing the line & occasionally stepping over it.
The late 80s fashion was epic & is properly epic. Some of its even back in fashion now the hair less so. IT all just felt 80s there were point i had to tell myself your watching an actual film babes not a documentary.
Its a well crafted film & i learnt a lots watching it, but i think i would have enjoyed it more with the knowledge i have now. So i have more appreciation for it afterwards to see what they made. If you like your