Much to most of my new twitter familys shock (yes guys your getting a shout out my new clan hiya {they are my clan for a reason which they know}) I have never seen The Emperors New Groove. & i apologise for that so i am setting this right on a friday night. We are going to do this & my dinners gonna arrive that i ordered like 2h ago & its gonna be fun & fab.
First of all i need to apologise to this film. My dinner shenanigans over took watching some of this so im sure there are jokes & bits i missed. Basically my food never turned up. Boooooooooooo Pizza Hut (yes im naming & shaming i wanted my Pizza) so i had to deal with all of that while watching this movie. But what i did see & concentrate on while dealing with all of that was bloody hilarious & i will be watching this film again. So if ive missed something important from my review my bad. I will probably watch this again at christmas time so this may get updated sooner rather than later.
I like that it starts in act 3 & goes back to act 1. For a disney film to do that in the early 00s was probably a big deal. I mean i know other films have done that years before but for a kids animation, thats major. I loved that it did that & showed how progressive it was at the time.
I actually adore him both as the prince & the Llama. He was so cute. I mean yes he has to learn a life lesson & is a dick throughout the majority of the film, but he is such a sweet llama, how could you be angry with that for the entire movie. You cant be. Its too cute.
Pull the lever, wrong lever, why do we even have that lever. I am so happy i now know the context to this i really am. & i love that its repeated like an hour later & youve almost completely forgotten about it too. Also when the right level is pulled, thats bloody brilliant. Its what all kids would want to have to lead them to a secret hide out, i love it. My secret hide out by the way when i was little was at my grand parents (dads side) & behind there summer house the bushes didnt quite meet & we could fit me my sister & my 2 cousins behind it with our little chairs & would sit there trying to plot how we were going to get he best concurs that fell from there trees, while my sister climbed ladders all the time & trees (she was younger than the rest of us). Ahhhh good times. I bloody miss that house & that garden. Hang on im digressing sorry you know i love a tangent.
I love that it actually takes everyone a bloody long time to learn there lesson in life too. I mean they do all get there eventually, but it does take them a while. & this is a bloody short film if im honest. Were not talking like 2h5 like cars (a good film but far to long for a kids movie {we will get there one day}) but considering what it packs into the run time it takes a while.
I love the guy who hes gonna build his shrine on the hill, family. His wife & those kids are the best. We dont see enough of them. Okay i get that they are third level characters in the film, but they are hilarious & i love them & their antics they are amazing. More subtle characters like that disney going forward please.
Uhha Uhha Uhha. Yes thats still cool.
A kitchen floor reset in a lagoon (referenced at the start & in act 3) amazing. & that was even before kitchen floor resets were a thing (if you need to know what one of those is come ask me please im happy to explain). But yea im glad he had that moment & argues with himself.
The poison was for animal transformation not death hahahahahaha. I mean when he passed out i was like say what. Isnt this film all about his journey & learning theres more important things in the world than being an Emperor (unless you are palpatine) & then when he woke up i was like say what. & then the transformation, both at this part & all the different animals for the act 3 show down, they were pretty cool considering this was early 00s animation. I was impressed.
I love the diner scene, thats my favourite scene of the movie from sitting down to the over the top ordering to trying to save him. I laughed multiple times out loud at that. I really really thought that was cool & special & i loved it. Theres so much to unpack there, even down to the birthday cake at the end, which is such a thing it really is.
The bridge support help earlier on really does come into its own in the third act to save him, after his llama emotional chat with the other creatures, thats amazing. Altho i am amazed it takes him that long for him to realise how naïve he really is.
I love that she end up as a cat & cant change back either, thats brilliant.
the animation isnt disney best for this ears, but its also not its worst. I feel like bits of it are rushed at times, but i think that was disney trying to get the content out (& we all know how much the house of mouse loves to do that now dont we). There are some moments when its good, but considering that Shrek comes out the following year, the animation is nowhere near that standard (yes i know shreks not part of disney but its still an animated film of this time period).
his little devil & angel… i bloody loved them ahhhhhhhhh.
I had fun watching it & i actually am looking forward to watching it again & giving it the attention it properly deserves instead of arguing with a deliver for 30mind of this films run time. When i do see it again i will add more to this review from here down. It was really funny & chill tho.