Spoilers….unless you are in on the Joke… then nah no spoilers
If youve seen the film you will get that. Time for an in joke film which is funny which i originally saw after Midsommar at the cinema to calm me down. So this always hold a special place in my heart.
Quick synopsis, the earths gravitational pull has switched due to drilling, causes all sorts of weird stuff to happen including reanimating the recently deceased who then go on a zombie feast across a small town in america & im guessing the rest of the world. Yea thats about right, wow i summed that up pretty well.
So through out the film Adam Drivers character says hes got a bad feeling about his & its all gonna end terribly. This really pisses off Bill Murrays character, to the point where he sits there with him in the police car & goes why do you keep saying that, to which Adam goes well it was in the script. At the cinema everyone in the screening laughed for a very long time that we then missed the follow up line of Bill Murray going you got the whole script i only got my scenes. Its bloody brilliant & hilarious & as much as the film hadn’t taken itself seriously before that moment, this is the moment of fuck yeah we are self aware.
Also the fact that he drives a smart car, is happy to chop peoples heads off while driving about & his Car Keys have an imperial destroyer from Star Wars on them & peoples reactions isnt ahhhh, its more thats a bit childish isnt it.
I didnt know i needed to see Iggy Pop as a zombie, but turns out i did. Its bloody funny & cleaver & its minimal acting & just amazing.
When Selena Gomez says her name is Zoey & it does the ting from Zoey 101, thats brilliant. I am the wrong generation for that, its the one just below, but still i know the reference & enough about it to find that hilarious.
Does Tilda Swinton have written into Hollywood lore, that she has to kill the undead or be weird in all these kind of films, i mean it works & what we do in the shadows to mention that too. But then when the aliens take her away is a bit to far. I mean i get it & it makes sense, but as a brit that technically isnt good for Scottish people. I mean its a good way for her to escape & for everyone else to be left behind to fight but still.
Some of the deaths are gory, some are funny & some are a little emotional, especially the dead grandma & then killing their friends in the final showdown to then just be over run by them all. I do like the fact its not a harpy ending. But yea some of the deaths your just like yea theyve survived & then they spent ages defending themselves from something hard & then for them zombies to find an easy way in & just get them. Its incomitance at its finest.
I love the fact that the car just gets completely surrounded for no reason other than a plot device. Thats funny & it takes up a good chunk of the film before the final show down with so many zombies near them. Also the fact they went to the cemetery to kill them all typical horror film idiot trait.
Not sure we needed the kids in the school, juvi, whatever it was to suffer as much. Should have left the story with the adults being idiots & getting taken out.
Do all american towns have a diner liek that? Its a genuine questions? Because all american films have them so is it somewhere where people do genuinely go. Please let me know, answers via my Wizarding owl.
I love the song thats the theme its crap, but its played all the time & pisses everyone off. Its amazing.
See i can do other horror other than psychological but it has to be self aware & hilarious & not take itself seriously. So this does it for me. Its perfect to just put on & laugh at the idiots in it & hope Adam Driver survives it with his little geeky glasses which he doesnt.
Its on netflix at the moment people so give it a stream you might be surprised as to how much you laugh. Its not Shaun of the dead but still it hits a similar spot.