Theres a time & a place to watch the Cat in the Hat. I havent seen this film for about 10 years, when we got the cinema package on tv it was a good background noise film, but i cant really remember what happens. So let watch this. Tonight is a night to watch the cat in the hat.
There is a lot of reasons why i havent seen this film in 10 years & it used to be background noise. Its atrocious & has not aged well at all. I mean i get its for kid & doctor Seuss, but still nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is crap.
I know Alec Baldwin did this as a pay cheque back in the day & to be in a classic story, but im sure he looks at this now & is just like i played what. He is trying to be the evil bad guy, but until act 3 does anyone actually care about his villain & his plan to put one of the 2 kids in military school.
Mike Myers is trying his best to tone it down for a child audience, but when he does the Adult jokes they are either so over the top with a basic wink which is like hey parents this is for you or are so crap they just miss the mark. Even the jokes for the kids are stupid too. Other than making cupcakes out of everything.
I get that the whole world is weird as thats the point, but then you see some bits & you just think hang on thats a little to normal for all these people to live it.
The CGI stuff to make everything turn weird & off too is not good either. I get that was the early 00s live action classic kids story film had, but it was not very good. The consistency was that it was crap.
Thing 1 & 2 were cool i guess. Especially when they were police.
Paris Hilton in a cat in the hat night club was probably the most 00s thing possible to do. How much did they pay her to dance for 30 seconds i dread to think about. It would have been stupid.
Theres nothing wrong with following the rules & being a little uptight, that was a bit off to tell her off for that, she had had some fun. Leave here alone. Shes an introvert for crying out loud.
Making only one rule knowing it would be broken is the biggest this is going to be this films life lesson that you all need to take away from this.
I know you should read the small print on everything but that contract was ridiculous, especially the clause at the end, stupid. I mean it does save the day but still.
It was such a weird trip. Im glad ive seen it again, but i wont be watching it ever again. There was a reason why this used to be background noise on my tv while I typed or studied in my late teens. Its not very worthy & has about 3 jokes that hit & the rest really do stink.