Spoilers …
& also (i feel i should give this warning for his films) this will try not to come with Pedro Pascal Bias…
This didnt pass me by when it came out, however there was a fuck ton of things on at the cinema at the time, life was a bit weird & i knew i was about to see the unbearable weight, so it got pushed down the watch list, & it went down & down & down & i had every intention of watching this & then just didnt get around to it.
& then friday night happened. Chatting to the Pedro girls while getting dinner & discussing what we are going to watch this weekend before Monday for the last of us & i said ahhh it wont be Pedro as its the Spring of Pascal & then someone said they were going to put on The Bubble as back ground noise & i went ive still not watched that… I almost got kicked out of the fucking group chat. It went down worse than when i sent a picture of a bloodied Oberyn to one of them (no i am not taking that back Dex, its my blog you can get over it & i writing you something nice about him for that exact reason).
So Saturday night arrived & guess what was top of my watchlist… The Bubble. So lets do this… (thats also one of the longest intros ive done since i stopped doing synopsis my bad).
Its Crap! There is no denying in any way shape or form that this film is complete & utter crap, made for the heck of it during the pandemic. Its poorly written, its made appallingly & its just urgh. No No No No NOPE NEVER!…HOWEVER… yes there is a however, it knows its Crap & is a waste of time & shouldnt take itself seriously at all. & in some weird backwards way, thats entirely why it kind of works. Its weird & theres still bits where im just like nope no no not for me. But i also laughed a lot too, like more than i should have & not really at the jokes, but at the stupidity of them all. It was carnage in the most random way ever.
Okay lets get it out the way so then i can continue shall we PEDRO PASCAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will that cover it? I doubt it. So i did sit here & watch id say 90% of the film without Pedro Bias, Im getting good at that now. However in a semi profession opinion, he is the 2nd best part of the film (we will get to the best in a second as its so small). I think its because he randomly pops up at time & you go ahhh Dieter. Im glad i now know all about the Kitkat, & send help & the drugs binge (hilarious scene). His socks & dressing gown looked so comfortable & his hair was out of control, It wasnt quite Javi G Levels but it was up there. & the guy liner… epic so cheers Pedro that was lush.
The best bit of the film is when Guz Khan has his mini freak out & runs off & goes on strike i loved that. Its hilarious. Its crazy & i love it.
Karen is poorly used, so poorly used. I get that shes meant to be the returning person to this film but even in this shes just not used well at all. She needed to sound like more of a serious actress than she was, to make her role more divisive.
So many tiktok references & dances, we didnt need to know about that every 17 seconds movie stop it stop it.
When she gets her hand shot off, that was bloody crazy. I laughed for a good amount of time at that. I shouldnt have but i did. That & the two guys hanging upside down in the suits for the reference, they were fab & better than some of the actors in it. Was one of them Ali Plumb? Looked like him.
John Cena as the stunt coordinator, i was not expecting. & then it all went to chaos. & then James Fricken McAvoy for all of 10 seconds ahhhhhhhhhhhhh madness.
So the premis was meta i get that, & it did go well fuck it. But Meta does work. IT was then some of the side bits, like speakign to the studi exceutive & the people not on lockdown or in bubbles. & then the side realtionships in the bubble, i didnt need that at all, i wanted to see more of the carnage of the film not working on the set, i didnt want to see them all constantly being locked in there rooms or the adoption story, nah i wanted a carage of stuff on set & how it all goes so wrong.
The cult not being a cult, i mean yea that was kinda cool, but we didnt talk about it enough so then when we found out it was fake, i didnt care about it at all.
I liked the staff at points, but some of them did get irritating.
The film because it was about being stuck in a bubble in the pandemic, actually gets away with being set in the one place & you for once just go ahh okay. Theres been so many pandemic films recently all filmed in a big house or else where & you jsut go ahhh bubble movie i get it. where as this one is like right Covid happened, lets try make people laugh about it.
It not the best script oh god no & act 3 just comes out of nowhere with the fall out the make up (while saving Dieter from death) & then a showdown thats so wordy & then action but not action at all. Its felt werid.
Yea this isnt the best movie in the world, it is crap. However, it knows its crap & a film that knows what it is, is good enough for me. I laughed a lot & just took it for a crazy mess of a ride & once you get your head around that carnage, its half decent. There are better popcorn films you can put on tho for sure. As Dieter scream SEND HELP!!!!!!!!