Mama Mama, & when I said this at 11:30pm my mum woke up from her sleep & went what’s up. Proof it works, my sister yells this usually but she is out.
I started writing this review nearly a month ago & still havent finished it literally all i put down was the MAMA bit that was it.
yea it was a friday night nothing was on tv and sky disney were showing the Aristocats, yeah my life has come down to this poor me. It was so random after not watching it for years that iv put off reviewing it for so long.
First of all can i point out the dutchess is a bit of a slut, her 3 kittens dont look anything a like or like her, and are all the same ages, so she must have been a busy cat in the night. To quote Miranda in SATC Elizabeth Taylor go gang banged… if you get the reference you are on my wave length.
Then she falls for Thomas Omally whos no good for her & isnt very charming really she so easy. & she just then forgets about her kittens??? not very motherly. & then when they do show up he goes to run a mile before saving them all from death several times.
How does a cat like that own a flat in Paris? i cant even afford to rent one here wtf?!?!?!?! and why didnt the other neighbours complain about the noise & the collapsed ceiling?
Uncle Waldo is the best part of the entire film, hes like me on a quiet night out which then turns absolutely fucking mortal man… yep thats what we do
the mouse isnt good, but the fact that during the 10 person fight he asks them all to stop so her can unlock the safe is brilliant, and then he allows them to continue. The horse was really the brains behind the mouses operation really.
The dogs are good light relief i remember laughing at them loads when i was little but not so much now, prof that maybe sometimes these films are better when you are smaller.
why did she take in all those cats in the end, she really is the original mad cat lady.
im guessing during this age of disney they were having an identity crisis and didnt really know what to do which i why this film is so random. It has its moments and when i have kids i will sit with them to watch it but i feel for my parents who me & my sister must have made sit through this lots & lots of times when we were little. What were we doing