im in an apocalypse film mood at the moment (blame Pedro) so i wanted something a bit mysterious from the genre so i went for this as it looked intriguing & different to any other film in this genre that netflix has on the system (& i didnt want to watch dont look up again {bloody love that film}) so here i am watching the 5th wave.
Before i start i didnt realise until i was done that these are books. So im so so sorry for not knowing that. i will try to get around to reading it.
So im all up for an exposition dump i really am, but for it to go on that long… yea that felt painful. Act One went on for what felt like 2hours but it was only 40minutes. I mean after having lived through a pandemic, i get it. I mean this is about aliens or The Others… is that right. But any how yea i like that it was done as a flash back but its only what maybe a years worth of flash backs & yes we see the pain they go through & what it costs people & how bad it is, but it takes a while before the drama at the end of Act One . & as this is technically for early teens this book, its a bit much for all that information to be delivered. I was just sitting there going hang on how many stages are we going through again.
Chloe Grace Mortez is good, dont get me wrong, but the rest of the young adults in this film that help her at points are not. I know you shouldnt pick on children actors i know that, but some of these kids were very wooden, everyones got to start somewhere right, but some of those kids who were trained to be killed were not good. I mean i get it i do you dont know how a kid is going to until they start acting but some of them were just like no. Which was a shame. Also i didnt care enough about her crush from the start or the other guy who she then also ends up crushing on who ends up being an other. She was much better suited to that other guy.
Killing all the parents was shocking. I thought one of them was going to get away or alert someone properly but no, they murder all of them. yes it means she doesnt trust anyone at all, which really makes her opening scene murder of the guy in the service station, valid, because what would make you do that. & yes i get when she gets hurt the guy helps her but she falls for him far too quickly after all of that.
Also it took an alien to meet one teenage girl to then get horney for him to go well actually, earth is worth saving as shes hot? I mean i know people will do whatever to have sex & stay alive but still, that was very random, im guessing they have a lot more of a connection & bonding time in the book.
I was expecting a lot more death & destruction, the act 3 final show down was okay but at points it felt too forced, like it knew it had to kick off & it was just forcing a way to get people to work together or die or blow up or turn against each other.
As a film buff maybe it was easy to see early on that the army were infiltrated & that it was all fake to get the kids to be indoctrinated & kill without question. so did anyone else pick that up as well.
Are we mean to not trust that girl whos a mercenary half way through? Because i knew full well she was talking scenes.
It wasnt the best written film in the world. Im hoping the book adds so much more.
It just honestly felt a little copy & paste of all the other end of the world teenage but your the powerful person in the book trope. Ive watched enough of these, i know whats good & what average but well acted & whats not worth the time.
So please a book person come tell me i am wrong id really like you to tell me it gets deeper, because this ended up just being another apocalypse film, that filled a saturday night, which i will forget by the end of the year.