time for me to watch another classic from my watchlist which im afraid to say ive never seen before. This friday, its Taxi Driver. What you talking to me? for not watching this before… my bad okay
For a 1970s film to deal with PTSD… wow… im applauding you film… i really am. That must have been huge back then. I mean think of mow & trying to get people to talk about mental health & it being okay not to be okay (which is my thing) is so important still now, but having that in the 70s, thats huge. The only problem is hes not a very nice person to route for if im honest.
De Niro is stunning though, from the narration, to the iconic moments, to being a freaky guy to being a hero & anti hero. He embodies him so well & is just so chaotic & all over the place. It still holds & works now looking at this for the first im almost 50 years later. ITs such a performance & is brilliant.
It took me a good 10mins to realise that was a little Jodie Foster, who considering she must have been what 15 when in the roll, was absolutely amazing. Seriously good & wonderful & a hard subject to deal with.
I know he was infatuated with her, but murdering the pimp is very very unhinged & all the other people there, i mean i know it makes him out to be a good guy, but was it done with the best intentions. Yes he wanted her to be free & safe, but he had no real ramifications from that shoot out did he.
Cinema for a first date yes… cinema porn for a first date… nooooooooooooooo never never never. I mean i know its meant to show hes not all there, but that is a bit much. Just so wrong. Also what the hell. Just a big red flag & a no. No wonder she runs a fucking mile & never wants to see him again.
The you talking to me is just so iconic, it really is. But whats not as iconic is when hes balancing the TV on his foot while playing with the gun, that was the most stressed i felt in the entire film. Bloody freaky.
The taxi company are pretty laid back about everything arent they. Im guessing they all would be & hes probably happy to just have the job & a chat with people at this point of his PTSD.
Tricking the FBI & secret service to think he wants to kill the candidate was brilliant, i didnt see that coming & i was like this is good were going to get more involved in this now as part of his PTSD revenge on officials &the ex, but nah its kinda left off after that bit. I wish it had followed that a bit more, to see if he had got close what would have happened. Its the kind of things people would do tho, not that i would know by the way, incase anyone from the secret service is reading this ( i know this has been triggered for one of you somewhere so Hi happy saturday).
The argument at the campaign office is brilliant. ITs so intense & stressful. I was sure a lot more was going to go down there, but i loved all the drama that did. It will such compelling viewing & properly like oooooh my. That was the best acted scene of the movie, by a long way.
buying guns is so easy in america… why why why… still freaks me out a little… how do you all cope with it. I know you dont, but as someone who lives in a country where we have controls on them, its a big thing when places dont. & this film & how easy he is able to get them shocks me so much.
I am glad ive seen this at last. It is such an iconic film & now that i know its actually all about metal health & PTSD even more important than i had it down for. Its not been my favourite classic friday night movie, but im glad ive seen it & if its on again randomly, ill defiantly stick it on again.