all my tv ive got to watch from earlier tonight isnt available to stream (darn all4 glitching again) & i could really do with watching something for about 90 mins before bed & i dont want to watch impeachment or a christmas film yet, so ive gone onto netflix 90ish min section & theyve got Spree. A film that was advertised in cinemas quite a bit last year but had a very limited release & didnt actually get to here, so why not. I mean it looks like fun horror right (the other horror genre i enjoy) so yeah lets do this.
I mean it is fun & clever & a good way of using social media (in the worst way by the way, im not doing that on my Instagram lives, beach videos are all you are getting peoples) & how it controls & defines people. But then it just goes over the top &then does just become horror & oh god, it really does.
Joe Keerys Kurt is so deranged, but you do start to like him at points & wonder what hes going to do next or how he next is going to kill someone. & then you remember oh yea hes killing people for followers, yea thats not a good thing to do at all. Dont do that peoples.
Calling it the lesson is a very weird & freaky thing to do, although if im honest & i saw someone say that, i would be intrigued by it. I mean i guess that means i watch too many movies, that if i saw that id be like ooh whats that all about. Yeah maybe that also isnt a good thing to admit on here is it…
I know weve not all been out for a few years, but that many camera in your car as an uber driver (or whatever they use in the film) is a bit too much for security i would be like nah mate turn half of these off please. Thats a little too stalkery.
I am never accepting any free water off anyone again, even if they are giving it away at a festival. I mean it wasnt a very exciting way to die was it, i could see why the people on his channel thought he was faking it to start with. Not good. The guys standing in the the sun roof were idiots thos & the drill was a bit over the top but it did actually kind of work & was interesting. & then he had to go & kill the influencer, okay yes he then gets the fame he craved, but he is still on the other guys channel right.
Thats when things start getting weird in the film. I mean everyone watching that social media channel thought it was fake? & they were just playing. They have all just been witness to a murder & breaking into someones house & then just being like yoooo boys you seen this…. I mean i know i said i would watch something if it was called the lesson. I watch someone kill off their sims for crying out loud, but ye that i think i would stop & then inform the police.
The comedian is a bit of a swerve ball in this. Shes actually pretty rude to everyone & then is all against social media & yet at the end of the film when she takes out Kurt in the house rampage & destruction thats all live streamed after he abducts here, she then posts a picture of him dead after she kills him on Instagram? yes its self defence, but she didnt learn her life lesson & didnt preach what she sewed at all there. Also she would so be taken down & banned for life for violating the terms & conditions. I mean you can an email from Instagram if you for a second say the word sponsorship, even as a joke saying are you on our right package.
The rapper wasnt needed, i mean yes its so he can gain flowers again, but still. Her then going out for a ride with him drinking the poisoned water surviving it & then killing a police man is a little much it was really was. I know this then sets of the even more estranged relationship with his dad & what then happens at the house, but still. Its weird, but somehow funny that moment.
I do love how in horror films everything becomes a weapon. The garden & house chase crash disaster, whatever you want to call it, im not sure there isnt a house hold or garden item not used to kill or be thrown at or get knocked over. I mean its not a tape dispenser (bloody loved that) but it was still fun. Death by phone smashing into your skull after being run over is up there tho.
i know most of the film happens at night, but im glad we see his entire day, thats very good indeed. I liked that. I also like the fact we saw some of his earlier videos too & that he had this idea for a while & also how there were some moments earlier on this film which we should have picked up on more than we did which become important later.
All the messages at points on his phone was a little too much from the live feed.
Im glad ive finally seen it. It was the right level of violence for this kind of film & 90minutes was the perfect run time. At the points you start thinking meh something big happens to get you back on track. This wont be for everyone i know, but there are some people that will really really adore this.
Maybe should have watched this right before i go to sleep tho.