This only came out on Friday so im going to do this cinema club style, to get you all to watch it.
On Monday last week i read something on line saying one of the biggest film stars in the world & one of the most in people in the world of acting & he current flavour of the month director have a film coming out at the end of the week, & yet the world isnt making a fuss about it & its being poorly advertised & how is this the case… & they were right. The only reason i remembered Spiderhead was out on Friday night was because its double Chris day (Chris Evans with Lightyear & the Puppys on the same day). If i hadnt remembered that, it might have triggered when i logged into Netflix, but no i made sure i remembered this, so i could watch this opening day.
So in a nutshell with that Netflix (& i know your pissed off people are leaving you atm) but properly advertise your original content films more please. This will be what makes people stay with you. I know im a film buff & this was on my radar anyhow, but come on more info for the common person please. I saw my friends for an impromptu trip to the beach on friday & they said what are you gonna do when you get home & i said watch the new Hemsworth film on Netflix & they had no idea it was happening & they are both all over Netflix. Come on!
Anyhow thats the moaning about the advertising camping done now for the film… I really really liked it.
Casting Chris Hemsworth as the villain was a masterstroke. I think i said this when i watch Bad Times all those years ago, but in this one he doesnt need his shirt off as much. He is so controlling & amazing & just plays everyone off against each other. Its amazing & there were points were i wanted him to get his just deserts for being such an evil bastard… & thats when you know someones a good actor. Also i mean he looks peak Hemsworth too. The Hair, the Suit, the Glasses & the Dancing… im sold. Ive not committed a crime but if hes gonna look like that im gonna stick around.
Mile Teller has a lot of heavy lifting & is so good too. He really is vulnerable but such a clever caring man & you really do want him to get out or to work out whats going on. Hes very very good & his interactions with everyone were so good.
It was a pretty easy standard plot to follow especially when the omfg moment happens with about 40mins to go & then you go ahhh now you need to do something mate go go go. After that point you can work out exactly what is going to happen. I mean that maybe that ive just watched so many films that i can work this out & see it coming. Maybe a casual film viewer would be more like ahhh ok, oh thats clever.
I liked the experiments, even the ones we shouldnt (shout out to the one we shouldnt pay attention too then being useful at the end), but i wish there was more examples of different one up to that point. I mean it was clever & interesting, but a few more even as flashback with other people doing some to get to this point would have been good. I think we would have had even more of an impact with Hemsworths Villain as to why he didnt stop.
I want to draw that well on an etch-a-sketch.
There was a lien about Millennials & how we cant just all moan about them being in one age bracket & being the same only for then the line to go back on its self & prove the point about people moaning about millennials. As a millennial i was like yes dont fucking moan about us stand up for us movie wooohooo.
There was also a line about Beautiful people getting away with too much too i liked that.
The flash backs in the film were good. Edited in a way that you though you knew why we were seeing that but not too many of them to make you feel like ok im done with these now.
Some good moral & life lessons along the way too. Some that did make you think hang on what would i do in that situation, would i? wouldnt i? Hmmmmmm….
The ending did stick, but it was once we got to that point wrapped up quickly & well did they see anyone, what happened to the rest?
Is it a modern film with a banging soundtrack without Hall & Oats at some point? Nah its not. Add it to the list peoples for the film check list. Its another one. The other songs were also absolute tunes.
Thats a long write up for something i know im going to be watching again soon & having a proper write up of later. Its not for everyone, but i really enjoyed it & thought it was good. Hemsworth should get more villain roles please. A better ending would have been better & a few more tests, but other than that, that needed some hype & i feel sorry for it that it didnt get any.