My Disney+ runs out on Thursday 🙁 sad day so i need to get this bad boy done before it goes. I’ve waited a while for this so lets see what the lovely after life has in store for us shall we.
Like with a few of my more recent reviews on streaming where they havent been out for a while this will be more of a cinema club review.
I cried. I properly cried. I mean we arent talking Up levels of crying where i actually plan to watch up to have a emotional breakdown (yes i do that dont judge me). But yeah i cried. I think its the whole missing out on life experience & seeing people & being inspired that we are all missing right now. You know even down to the fact that im not sitting in a reclining chair with 30 random people in the same room as me to see this & im watching this at home on disney plus. I am missing out on life & i know we all are, so by staying into watch this means you are all one step closer to being able to enjoy your life again.
Jamie Foxx is brilliant. Tina Fey is brilliant. But the person who actually stole the show that i wasnt expecting at all was Graham Norton. Yeah not even Ayoade or House (just kept thinking no soul left behind instead of no child left behind {if you get that well done}) could steel away from his Pirate Soul, that was bloody brilliant & i loved every second.
I have spent the last year going, what with the cat i dont get it. I do now, thats bloody funny.
The guardians & mentors oooh i love them they are all epic.
Seriously what a nice way to think of the after life & the great beyond & the great before. So lovely & wholesome & not scary or freaky at all. Just magical & brilliant.
I love the life lessons too, there are so many to go into, but the whole thing about your dreams & your spark is true. I never wanted to grow up to be a bookkeeper & a payroller, you tell little 5 year old me on my first day at school thats what im gonna be. I love to say my mind & go to live events & take in information be it a museum, a football match or sitting at screen 1 at the dome going my bums gone dead but damn this film is good. So i write in my spare time & share my experiences with you all on here & on twitter. Thats my spark & even if its just 5 people reading this, thats 5 people who might read this & go yea i might watch that film or yeah maybe she has a point. Thats all i want to do. Just take you away from your mad day for 5 minutes & let you rad something you will forget in an hour or that you will go yeah im gonna check that out. I am always grateful for your readership.
This film does inspire, due to the fact the Joe is black. There is representation in this film. Normal every day people see themselves in this film & go yea im in a disney film. After the year we have had we need this to happen more so that people dont have the ooh look i relate to this in a film, it just needs to be the norm going forward.
The colours & the sounds are just magically like only disney can do. I mean the fact that when you wish upon a star is played by the school band, that is inspiring & so funny. That sets the tone for you right there.
A113 i found but no Pizza planet truck, i know youre there. I will find you.
Before i do my sum up i want to address that people are saying this is a bad film because they were expecting it to be Up or Toy Story 3. If you watch the Empire Strikes Back, are you complaining that its not Shawshank Redemption or the Godfather? Nope didnt think so. This is what Soul is in the Pixar world. Its easily a wonderful piece of art & is perfect for what we need right now.
I’d have happily sat in my cinema to see this on a grand scale & be like yes, this is what Pixar do best, make me laugh, smile & cry in equal measure & just make me realise when the film is over that you know what life maybe crap right now but at some point its going to be glorious once again.
Thankyou as always for reading this, now go for your hour walk & embrace the world (from 2m apart). I think writing this has been self help for me.