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Im not even going to say spoilers this film is over 80 years old unless you are three, there are no spoilers here & if you are three & you are on my blog, i dont think your parents are being very responsible in letting you read my blog.

This film is so iconic that i dont even actually need to put a popcorn synopsis do i. I can just type & enjoy really.

As an adult i know have a huge problem with disney princesses from the classic era. They were all a bit shit werent they. I mean Snow White was so gullible & nieve about everything. & believing that Apple would actually work… bollocks to that no way Pepe is that working. Also she meets the prince once & sings a song & then he wakes her up & she has to move in with him to his castle & not be at her kingdom… nah girl own it. Okay yes he brings her out of eternal sleep which all these disney films have, but come on.

The Dwarves do work, but watching back now is a little awkward. YEs i know this was nearly 100 years ago & attitudes have changed but you know still feels a bit odd.

I can also see why the evil queen & her transformation must have given people nightmares when they were little. Its really scary & off putting for kids, especially with the change in the music & the thunder & rain. Its also a bit off that the vulchers just circle then go to eat her. Shiver my timbers.

The funeral scene where they have the vigil in the house is beautiful though. If that was today people would talk about that scene for years upon years & just go did you see that. Its stunning. Does make the bit outside a bit meh, yes i know thats when the iconic moment happens of her awakening but its nothing compared to that vigil. It cant hold a candle to it.

How did they afford a glass coffin for her. Yes they worked in a diamond mind but they missed at least a weeks work trying to save her & mourn her & with no evil Queen when they were working who was buying the diamonds off them.

Instead of singing happy birthday twice can we all do the dwarves wash up routine, excpt when they try to drown grumpy. Much more fun idea to teach kids what to do due to covid 19.

If you are a princess would you know how to cook & do your chores & make bread soup clean etc. Nah i doubt you would either. Im guessing they were given these traits to make them more relatable to the viewers, because if i was a princess i wouldnt( not that i do that in normal life if im honest). But it does seem weird that all these princesses can do all this.

She does breaking & entering right… nope no no nope not good. Bad life moral. & then she sleeps in their bed, no wonder they wanted to kill her. Id of been well hacked off.

The songs are nice, im guessing at the time very emotional & romantic but looking back now apart from high ho high ho, they all just seem a little meh. Sorry thats me ageing a classic here. Its not remember me or even your welcome is it.

Im sorry ive trashed on a classic here. IT is still a groundbreaking piece of cinema & i appreciate the craft almost 100 years later & it still brings me some joy, but so many things about it dont sit well with me & if im honest as a child it wasnt one of my favourites.

Without this though we wouldnt have the disney we have today, so i’ll just be quiet before i start my disney plus binge of the mandalorian & go thanks disney for everything.

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