I have to say Spoiler just in case, but if your over the age of 14 are a man & don’t have kids then I think the rest of the world has seen the film.
This really irritates me this Disney film. I’m sorry it does & I thought when I went to watch it on Sunday I would enjoy it but I found myself sitting there going urgh really.
First of all the king & queen agree that a child they have longed to have for so long was then a wish granted(which by the way is Erm no they got in there 4 poster medevil bed & got it on for like years & years then they probably decided to give up & redecorate & that’s when she realised she was with child.) To be taken by 3 diverring old dears to grow up where no one knows. & they were happy with this? Seriously? Yes I know it’s a story but come on people’s no no no.
Also they can’t do anything without magic so for 16 years they struggle but on her birthday the simple tasks they try to do which I guess they have always done they fail it. There no cake making book for dummies is there. Also to disguise the magic they cover up all the windows but not the fireplace. As scar from the lion king would say… I’m surrounded by idiots.
No one was meant to know about the cottage in the woods which begs the question, why did they not tell her who she really was originally & prepare her for this day? Also when she meets her Prince she tells him to meet her there which therefore means surely anyone can find it. See frustrating isn’t it.
Is maleficenf banished to that mountain with those weird thing? What did she do to Pisa them off in the first place or did she run away to plot revenge? It’s also tho still quiet near the palace & when Philip escapes it doesn’t take him long to get to the entrance before the fight.
The fairys do stall in trying to stop rose touching anything they could have gotten to her straight away. Or put a charm on her to un-hypnotise her. Also they just randomly go back to their wings & wands & no one bats an eyelid or asks.
Likewise they walk from & to the castle with the princess on both occasions & no one thinks it suspicious or odd that this has happened or maleficent hasn’t been following them. This kingdom need to sort their heads out.
Of all the Disney princesses she is my worst, sorry but she is. The person who steals the show is the jester who gets drunk he’s the real hero.