0 5 mins 11 mths


I saw this advertised a lot in the cinema back in late 2021, but then it had a minimal release & spiderman took over everything & well yea unless i wanted to go to Guilford, i couldnt see it. So here i am on a friday night searching through prime for it because ive heard its finally on free streaming, yes probably not a good idea to watch this before bed, but you know.

Also i am aware there is a film called Silent Night set at christmas that came out in 2023, this isnt that one.

The second i realised they were all uperty people i was like urgh really, oh no. I mean i should have worked it out so many later 21 early 22 films were all filmed in big mansions with posh people, i should have worked its out, because then they were all in filming bubbles, but i with the subject matter i was hoping for some normal people if i was honest. & the one normal person out of all of them gets drunk early on & then has sleeps for most of it.

Roman (Jojo Rabbit) was the best part in the film. Being so suspicious of what was going on in the world & being worried about it all. HE had the best line & the most drama to do. He had some good points & he is such a good child actor. Taika found a real legend there.

I was hoping we would see what would happen with other people at points of the film. The fact that the homeless & asylum seekers werent given the tablets to take was horrible, but was a good double standard point in the movie.

I dont get why they got their kids christmas presents either. They had a good point, why do that when your all going to kill yourselves in the morning.

We had some good moral dilemmas too, especially about the girl who found out she was pregnant. Everyone was so rude to her & not nice because she was younger & had a different view. But she was suffering & unable to decide what to do. I felt for her. Lily Rose Depp was very good.

Why free the chickens? they were going to die any way?

I agree come the end of the world i want sticky toffee pudding & custard. That was worth the looting petrol station for.

Calling Grandma was very random. Why kick her out of her house? I mean she was then in another mansion wasnt she. Urgh posh people.

Those tornadoes were very weird & it was never really explained where it came from & what was going on with it. It just had those government messages saying go for the exit strategy. Which so would be what our crappy government would do. A stupid little video going ahhh dont worry dying will be fine.

When they all kill themselves i thought there would be more of a fight if im honest from a couple of them but nah they all did just get on with it. I thought it was also going to look much worse.

Kids swearing is always good, i love that but then they still make him apologise, when that kid is spoilt. I mean they all were they were uperty after all.

It wasnt well acted, even for the end of the world & your mind being else where, it was like their mind was there & they were just being wooden acting it out. also its hard to watch that woman in films when she is irritating laugh girl from Hot Fuzz, isnt it.

So they all die, & then the kid who got infected, then opens his eyes & is alive & yet everyone around him is dead & then it ends?! WHAT THE HELL! NO! I need to know what that kid saw, why he didnt die & the trauma of waking up after all of that next to his dead friends & family. The film was finally going to get interstign & you ended it urgh no no no NO!

Yea that hacked me off, all of the drama was kind of glossed over & none of the characters were that likeable. IT was hard to get into & then we did get into it right & then end & then it was over. It could have been so much better. A few changes & it could have been a very good social comentary on people & the govenment & lives but no it missed that mark.

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