0 7 mins 2 yrs

Spoilers ( i will mention what happens, i cant not, if you dont want to know, skip to the next review)

so ive given up on Wordle, my sister has introduced me to framed, a film version where its obscure film stills. First one i did it showed a red buzzer in a prison. My mind went thats to modern to be the green mile, think of another film in a prison, well its not Shawshank, so i randomly guess Shutter Island, & it was correct. My sister then when she worked it out asked me if the film was any good, to here surprise i said id never seen it. So tonight my friday night concentration night, ive picked it as my film to watch, now award season is over. Lets do this DiCaprio.

Now im going to admit to something before i start typing…. Theres a twist in this film & someone about 5 or 6 years ago told me the twist thinking i had seen the film, but i hadnt. So i think that took away some of the mysterious nature of the film. So ive not watched this & then gone oh god at that moment like im sure most people do when they watch it for the first time. Instead i was doing the DiCaprio pointing meme at stuff being like ahh this is going to be important.

So when it is revealed that DiCaprio’s character is actually an inmate at Shutter Island & they hoped this delusion hes having would help him so they have let him play it out to try & sort him out, i wasnt shocked. I was waiting for the big reveal & i was very much oh my fucking god when it was Ben Kingsley who got to do it that i still had some shock waves going around my system while this happened. & seeing how it was all planned & how they did this & how this is a last resort. Its a lots to take in for this moment & i think knowing it did dampen the impact, but i spent most of this moment wondering what other little clues i had missed along the way &was like ahhhh finally. It didnt have the correct desired effect on me because it was spoiled for me but i was still sat on the edge of my chair listening to every word being said & explained. It was so well done.

They trusted the Gruffalo a lot didnt they. He could have just ran from the Island when put on that boat. He could have got away, but he doesnt. Also shout out to the Gruffalo who does not get the praise he deserves for this film, because he gives such a calm & clever performance & he owns it. DiCaprio gets the praise, but not Mark.

His wife drowning the kids was so harrowing. Watching that happen was horrendous. & i felt all that pain & love & heart break & i get that. It hurt. Of course that would make you go insane & crazy. Its done so well visually too. It hurts & is hard to watch, but you cant move your eyes from the screen as that part of the story is brought front & centre. Its beautifully tragic. & then the two fake wives playing out their parts thats twisted but so clever, to try & get him to realize the truth.

The scares were more psychological, the kind of film i like, & oh damn was i thinking of point of this film for a few days later after going oh god that was dark. It really lingered in my mind being like oh god.

The idea of the storm keeping them on the island, really had me stressed & i was sitting here at points, knowing the out come & the twist wanting him to find the answers & get off the island. see thats when a film is good. That even when you know the twist to it you sit there still going come on mate you can solve this crime you can get out of here.

Im really worried if migraines effect people like that… & i thought mine were bad.

The end is actually very sad when you believe hes finally over his grief & returning to normal & then slips back into this old ways & is back to falling into this delusion. You see everyone else sigh that they either have to do this all over again or put him out of his misery. As a viewer you dont know which option they go for but you feel for every single person in that one moment. Letting him live out his delusion didnt work, he is past the point of help.

Booo to nightmares & creepy people boo.

Would it be better to live as a monster or die as a good man? good question… very good question…

It is so well written & staged & acted. There were points in the storm when i felt cold & on edge & not very comfortable. The exposition was well dealt with at points especially in some large chunks of it. It was also so well acted.

I know Martin loves DiCaprio, but i think another actor might have made the lead being slightly more believable that Leo. Maybe if it was the Ruffalo as the lead & someone else supporting him. Or maybe it was due to knowing the twist, im not sure.

So what did everyone do in 2008 to make them make epic films in 2009 & then have an amazing award season for 2010. What was in the water peoples. because it bloody works. & this was stunning & i sat on the edge of my sofa gripped almost dropping popcorn everywhere watching this.

I hope if you have got to this point you have seen the film & i didnt just spoil it for you all, but you were all warned. Im looking forward to re-watching this again very soon.

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