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nah youve all seen it 5000 times. Im not even going to write a popcorn synopsis for you, you know the drill lets just get to it shall we.

My friend Tara says this is the most romantic story ever told & i think she may have a point. It really does tell you that it doesnt matter what you look like or what your circumstances are you can find happiness & maybe even true love in the most random circumstance.

When this first came out donkeys years ago i was at the age where i did get quiet a few of the jokes for adults, but those i missed it was only a few years later on that i then got them & went oh wow. My mamas favourite line is She Lives With 7 Other Men But Shes Not Easy. Its a brilliant line.

The joke about him over compensating before he even meets Lord Farquaad are brilliant & then they just continue for out (im not sure about the erection by the way). But the short jokes are brill & that its all about his manhood instead. Ahead of its time.

That being said the Robin Hood song about him basically shagging every damsel is brilliant & then for it to end with the matrix / charlie’s angels is brilliant well done dreamworks.

I mean they do just aim pop culture so well for the time. Including the wrestling tag team with the hit them with the chair reference, the blind date idea & the celebrity marriages. Perfect nails the time period to perfection.

The whole dragon rescue from getting to the bottom of the volcano to the well so much for noble steed is just some of the best lines & animation every. Shrek im Looking down yells donkey. Oh its all good. Shaking Fiona, just trapping the dragon the fact it all looks so scary & its not innocent & then the whole oh wheres prince charming thing (which when youve seen two is even better) its just fantastic & makes me happy.

I cant feel my toes, i dont have any toes, i think i need a hug. I quote that quite a lot (i do have toes by the way).

When they have the mirrored return to the swamp & marriage prep while Hallelujah plays is brilliant. It really is beautiful & shows how much they are in love & have both made what they think is the right decision for them but arent happy with it, something so many relationships are build badly on.

In the morning im making waffles.

Oh theres too many jokes & one lines that Donkey has, i mean after all hes a donkey on the edge.

The music to accompany each set piece, from the sound track to the actual songs picked for the film perfect.

The wedding is lovely both the one that doesnt happen & the one at the end. I mean they are. Seriously think about them both, the actual one just before the credits where they are all singing is how many good wedding should end up, its perfect, but the other wedding being such a show piece is just so pristine & what people expect from a classy wedding.

The crowd controls & Dulocs opening song are all a little bit freaky but so funny.

Oh im stopping & am going to go put it on again. So should the rest of you. Im just typing random word with im a believer goign round in my head now.

Its a classic & will live forever.

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