Let’s all go to the Winchester and wait for the whole thing to blow over.
Nothing sums up British culture like a rom zom com spoof beating up an oap in a pub with snooker cues & fire extinguishers to queen don’t stop me now in the back ground.
What an amazing film the first in the corneto trilogy just amazing it’s one of those films you can’t flick past when it’s on TV.
Chris Martin as a zombie hehe I see him twice & then he’s in zombie aid at the end.
Oh Pete (prick) I said leave him the fuck alone.
I love the fact that the zombies are slowly crawling I’m to kill them but they are all busy having a domestic argument despite the fact the world hangs on them all surviving.
Everything I always sorted with CAN WE ALL JUST CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
David getting his guts pulled out is horrific but oh my god it’s brilliant.
Throwing vinal at there heads hehe even the line removing the head and destroying the brain.
Bill Nighy is his step dad, who ends up having a really tender moment as hes dieing before trying meet them just makes the film completely british and wonderful.
Its just one of the films you cant describe to people you do need to watch it. i mean come on group of people who have all fallen out leave to find safety in the local pub, during a zombie apocalypse. yea its should work, but it does.
What the matter you never taken a short cut before.