so i remember being about 13 & being at a sleepover & we were allowed to watch this & thinking to was soo cool & funny & we were so edgy staying up eating sweets & watching this at 1am. I think i last saw this film when i was 16 & since then i havent… until tonight.
yea its an option on the 90ish min film section on netflix so yea why not lets see how its aged & weather we were right as teens to be cool about it.
Okay i know this is a spoof but it is very much a product of the late 90s, early 00s & i cant believe we were allowed to watch this. Oh my god im loving the problematic movies at the moment arent i.
So i dont remember as a teen as to how much i laughed at this, but there were only 3 moments in this rewatching now, half a life time later, when i actually laughed.
The bit where they call out all teen & horror movies for casting people in there mid 20s as 15 year olds & being stereotypical of the era.
When she does all the horror tropes for her death escaping him & then gets her head put in the lost property bin.
When he is doing the Whatsssssssssssss Uppppppppppppppppp on the phone, watching the game having a bud.
None of them were full on laughs by the wya but i giggled. The rest of it had moment of okay yea or ahh i can see why youd laugh at that. But other than that it was cringe. very cringe & it hasnt aged well at all.
I mean the deaths were imaginative & cleverly done within the genre, but were still just so dated & aged. I do get this is a spoof i really do but there were just some that even for a spoof were like nah mate nah.
Why do we keep talking about that guy being gay when he wasnt & all of that. I mean that shouldnt ever be a thing in any film. Let people be what they are, dont then sit there & assume & make a joke out of it movie please.
The girl who ruined the film for everyone, how dare she. I can understand if all those people were like nah love fuck you. She did get what she deserved.
There was some Matrix spoof in there too, which really does date it if youve not seen when it was made.
the teacher is pregnant with her students kids ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Her dad was working for escobar, so is this linked to Narcos? (its on the list)
I mean some of the cast have made it since, which with so many of these late 90s, early 00s film they didnt. There was a lot of these type of films & they all kinda blur into one but there were some names & faces i recognised still to this day.
The sex scenes & the attempted sex scenes… no no no thank you. Consent does eventually happen, but theres lots of times when its not.
The cleverest moment of the film is the opening when i spoofs scream, but even thats awkward to watch. No way would you get away with some of that now no no no.
Basically its a product of its time. It wasnt my real thing back in the day, but as i teen of that era, i can see why others adored it then, but for me its aged poorly. Its not scary & its not funny & it sufficed as background noise on monday while dealing with admin & life drama.
Yea im sure i have friends who love this, but no not me, sorry.