Im saying Spoilers because once again this is an iconic film that ive not seen but now have, so i am sorry film internet that its taken so long. I mean everyone’s seen the iconic bits & the end right. So maybe there arent any spoilers to it. But thought i should forewarn.
Yeah i had 2h40 spare on a saturday night so i thought yeah lets do it. If i dont do it now when will i ever get around to it, so yeah lets give it a watch.
Its too long im sorry its too long we could lose about half an hour of it. There are some deals we dont need to know about, there are certain people we meet that we dont care abut & it could just be cut down, which would make it a much better watch if im honest. & im the queen of saying lets have more info or exposition because we need it but here nah. It vry much an 80s thing & gangster film thing to do i completely get that but yeah could have been shorter.
As someone who has the departed in my top 3 films of all time, i appreciate the gangster film & this is one of the ultimate’s. The attitudes the flashiness the style the way people treat everyone (gangster or not) its just brilliant. Its a little full on at times but that kind of world is. ITs unpredictable & crazy, much like the people in it.
Theres one consistent character in this film & that was Manny & what happened to Manny, he got fucking murdered for being a good true & honest man, by his boss because he didnt want his sister to have sex with anyone. Bollocks mate. Bad move film. I know then it proves that Tony is crazy & has no self control, but still Manny was the only consistent thing in the film & you kill him off so no one takes over the empire…. bollocks.
At no point does Elvira at all have any chemistry with Tony. Yes i get that power = money = control = sex but still at no point is there anything at all. Even when she says no to start with thats not like a real no. When she goes for him at dinner though & puts him in her place thats a real power move & i love that, its amazing. I do understand that as a woman i enjoy watching Women find their voices at last in films, but he bloody deserved it. He just treated her like trash throughout.
The chainsaw murder is clever, but you dont actually see to much of it go down. you see the blood but its so cleverly cut away & then his Body is gone by the time its Tonys turn. Some bits are a little ewww, but its still iconic & a very cool scene. & at least they dont drive over the body in the end, could have easily done that but nah they did a 3 point turn to avoid him.
When the guy is hung from the helicopter thats the worse of all the deaths (other than Mannys but thats for character reasons). You here the snap & the gasp & you just kinda want to make sure your own feet are firmly on the ground at that moment. That still pretty shocking now.
His mum was crazy but brilliant.
Never use your own supply, what do they all do throughout the entire film, use their own supply. Idiots. Its like the first rule of….
It didnt realise at the start we had to wait for him to be arrested get a green card kill a guy, get a job & then get the drug job before things got going. I thought the film started with the moment they go to get the drugs so was very like oh okay ive got 20 min of film before this oh okay.
Some random guy died at that club for no reason also how did they get into the club with all those guns to assassinate him. I mean yea hed earlier killed a guy in the bathroom, but still. & hes not even the main guy at this point, hes not killed his boss frank yet. I mean frank deserved it tho.
I like the wall paper where your not meant to seethe door but you can clearly see the door all the time that made me laugh.
You never see anyone other than the dealers & their family’s buy the drugs, so whos shipping it out for them…
Who has a tiger in their back garden on their wedding day, & also that tiger didnt do a good job as all those bad guys get in dont they. There were so many guys at the end, not quit like the blues brothers but still, they all popped up randomly didnt they.
Say hello to my little friend is an iconic line, but i wanted it to be grander. If youve got a machine gun that fires grenades use it all the fucking time, not just every time you need to open a door. Blow the shit out of everything no ones coming back to get you then. & then who was the fucking guy behind him who got him in the end when. I mean he falls like its Platoon ( i know platoon comes out after this but you all now have that idea in your head), but yea a guy i dont think its met before in the film, gets the honour of killing Tony, nah. If im wrong please tell me.
Its okay to blow up a random congress man in new york but not his family, when did he suddenly grow a consciouns, so that then he could be killed off at the end. Nope & then he kills the guy with the bomb as hes that angry. Urgh!
I enjoyed it. I can see why people adore it. & i can see also why people in the 80s hated it for its violence & language, & why it then became a cult movie & now a classic. Its good but it is a bit to long. Justice for Manny.