Although I’m not sure anyone saw this so maybe no Spoilers if people aren’t interested or huge Spoilers if I’m the only person in the world to watch this.
I remember the trailer coming out for this & thinking I need to watch this it’s my kinda film, bit like man on a Ledge, then no cinemas showed it at a time that fitted in with my life, then it was to expensive on DVD & then binge boxsets took over the world.
So on Saturday it was a last chance to watch on sky movies so I thought yeah why not, it will be okay.
First of all Ben Affleck is a bad actor (unless he is directing himself in his own film or its Gone Girl {see future review} ) I’m not looking forward to him as batman. I know his character isn’t likeable in this film, well actually most characters in this film you want them to get what’s coming to them they all stink, but his you really do hope he gets what he deserves. & unfortunately he makes me want to punch the screen. Sorry Ben but it’s true, just wait for the Gone Girl review ok you should come out alright there.
Justin Timberlakes character you route for but he was an idiot to put himself in that position in the first place, what a twat. Also he never ever goes to complete his degree, ever. What a wasted education.
Gemma Artertons face doesn’t really bring to much happiness. Unfortunately this is more of a man’s film so she’s really just there as window dressing, huge shame. & then when she get interesting the films nearly over.
The guy on the boat they set up to be caught having sex, what if he had remained loyal to his wife & not fucked the girls. Then what happens? Yes I know it makes it a small film but that’s not the point. Up to that point both him & Timberlake were squeaky clean & yet 24h later were talking blackmail & hookers. i don’t care if it’s in south America or what ever no, people don’t change that quickly.
The film plot trys its best to be clever with the ending but it kind of fails. It’s not a heist, or a runaway it’s more of a well we always knew you were going to get caught so lets try to make the character loveable again despite the fact that it’s been an hour since we cared about any of them. Also it’s not that complicated an idea. It’s a bit like they got lazy.
The best bit of the whole film is feeding the other guys to the crocodiles. That did make me laugh when they eventually turned up to feast on them as they to go them out of the water.
If this films in HMV under the 3 for £5 put it in your basket. I’m sure a second viewing would help as I’m sure there are parts iv missed, but it’s not worth buying it on its own. Needs improvement unfortunately or just a clever ‘re write.