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Spoilers… or maybe not well i hope not…

This has been on my watch list for a while so i thought i would put it on, on this lovely sunny Saturday evening where everything feels better in the world. Today i have had my second vaccine, i have had a nice beach walk, its warm, ive watched the first sprint qualifying, drank iced tea, had a nice dinner & most importantly (even more so that the vaccine) i have seen my sister today & she said i could give her a hug. AN ACTUAL HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven’t hugged her since January 2020 when it was her birthday. The love in those 10 seconds was huge & made the wait for it all worth while. So its been an epic day so lets watch a film ive really wanted to see to end the blissful day on a good note…

Ive left that in because that is going to be the only positive thing you get from this film review, because this film was a waste of time & was terrible & if it wasnt my job to say why i would just leave it like that…. but i cant so here comes a rant of woman who watched this & was like the hell.

Maybe its Period dramas i dont get, it could be that…. but i like Shakespeare. Okay maybe its posh period dramas that i dont get. Because everyone in this film is stuck up to Lilly James Character (who doesnt even have a name she just get married & then is know is Mrs or mama) urgh. But seriously it was like they were all looking through the screen going oh poor you, your having to watch this on netflix & we are all much better than you in this film. I hate films that treat you like that.

Nothing happened in it at all & then Sam Riley turned up & you though oh ok interesting stuff now & then nothing for 20mins then it all kicked off & then it did that very mildly & then just told you oh thats over its done & dusted & then it ended. Urgh. I moaned at the twilight films for not having drama until half way through but at least when they had drama it really did ramp it up. This just felt like oh best add in a little moment of tenseness here.

Its Ben Wheatly too, when ive seen other stuff hes adapted ive sat there going oh yeah this is going to be good & its always put me on the edge of my seat. This the moments of horror or gasps of oh god just didnt hit the spot & left me liek oh was i meant to jump at that & be scared or freaked out by it. Nah didnt do it.

I mean it is easy to fancy Armie Hammer (even tho you really shouldn at the moment due to everything thats going on {hes not guilty yet, still doesnt excuse him tho}) so Lilly James didnt have a hard time falling in love with him making this, but there isnt any real chemistry once they are married at all.

Why leave her old room exactly how it was like that no no no. Thats freaky.

We never even see Rebecca even in a flash back. We see that painting & the outfit but still. maybe a bit more of a reference to this haunting past would be good, if you are redoing it at least show us her please. I mean she sounds stuck up her arse too.

No way does everyone survive that house fire, & then did they fire there staff as they just went off on an adventure around the world. So they have no home or job all these for people.

Everyone was just far to serious & thinking they were giving acting masterclasses but they were all just being up themselves & telling you the audience you arent worthy to watch this film.

I didnt enjoy it. Ive removed it from all my watch list & i hope to never hear of see this film ever again. Urgh urgh URGH!!!

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