Im not sure why i havent got round to watching this, when the netflix trailer came out for it i was like yeah im gonna watching this & then never did. No idea why, it seems completely my cuppa tea too. So im here, ive got popcorn, ive got wine & im just chilling so yeah lets do this.
Okay so maybe there was a reason why i held off from this. It was okay enough but they could have done soooooo much more with the powers & the people & the story & i hate to say it but it got to about an hour through & i started looking at my group chat & then when i looked back up not much had changed or progressed.
So are the police for or against the power. Joseph Gordeon Levitts charter is the most well rounded & thought through & he is giving it his all to make it believable. But is he a good cope or a bad cop? Hes against the dealing but then takes the drug himself. Urgh. As much as he tried to make it seem correct there were too many contradictions.
Jamie Foxx turned up & was well Jamie Foxx. A man whos full of guilt who then spends most of the film not wanting to help someone & not wanting to die or use the drug & then goes against all of that for the third act classic cliché. I mean he was fun but there were so many moments where its just like.
It wasnt Daddy issues in a super hero movie for once no it was daughter issues & of course it was Jamies daughter who was key to the overall super power drug wasnt it, i mean it meant he rescue & all the stand off just kept happening it was like right how many more times are almost going to get to her to save her or solve this issue.
A time limit on a superpower is bloody clever actually, but it would have been better to have seen this with even more different powers. We only see a couple. They easily could have expanded it to more or if not shown them referenced it on the news or had hearsay that oh this guy can read your thought & plant them into someone else’s mind. You know come on film dont limit us to only a couple of powers.
The final show down needed to be more epic, it really did. We had a big build up with the boat & the escape & the control room & then i was like right were really going to go some here, its going to be a power fest for all of 5 minutes & everyones going to get a chance to shine… nah he goes all supernova & kaboom. Its over. Really? Netflix cant stick their ending at the moment can they its not good.
& then wanting to expose the police & the ultimate goal of becoming a rapper. Urgh. How is he going to expose the police when he is the police taking the drug… idiot hasnt thought that through.
We did a lot of car soul searching which lead to nothing in a big truck too. Neither were really giving anything were they.
i know it adds drama to set it at night, but there were some bits which i did have to turn the brightness up on my tv to see & then had to turn it down very quickly when it ended. It wasnt shot very well.
The whole story line was very predictable but it didnt flesh out half the stuff i wanted it too. More reasons to back this up peoples please. If im going to invest in this & the people give me more to work with than parental issues, rapper drug dealers & cops that are bad but arent bad.
So this is honestly going to be instantly forgettable & average. Seriously if you ask me in 6 months i will go did i see that really… shame Joseph gave it everything but the rest of it was meh…
I havent intentionally left it 6 months to write this review up from 6 July, lots of writing has been done in the mean time, but i did struggle to remember some of this. So my point was proved.